CHAPTER #22- Honesty Of The Innocent

Start from the beginning

Jaydin smiled and said, "like Sam's cat had kittens?"

"Something like that bro," Jay Paul grinned.

"You don't look any different.  That cat had a big fat belly.  How come you're not fat?" Jaydin asked.

Ashleigh explained that the baby was still growing inside Lisa, but she would eventually get bigger.  "So would you like to be a big brother?"

The boy came to stand in front of Lisa and gently put his hand on her belly.  "I'll be the best brother ever." Then without missing a beat he added, "are you going to get really big boobs?" He made a hand gesture to show how big he thought she would get.

Jay Paul laughed so hard he spilt his lemonade everywhere. Lisa blushed and couldn't help snickering herself.  Ashleigh looked mortified, but giggled a little too.  

"He's a Molinere alright," Ashleigh snorted.

Lisa got control of herself and finally answered the little boy, "I don't know, maybe."

"Nothing wrong with really big boobs, eh bro?" Jay Paul chuckled.

"I like big boobs, they make great pillows.  You have nice boobs Lisa, but you're baby will need bigger pillows to rest on," Jaydin said with innocence only a child could give.

Jay Paul agreed, a shit eating grin on his face.  "Bro I like where you're going with this."

Lisa and Ashleigh rolled their eyes.  "Boys!"  They said in unison.

"I have a craving for peanut butter and pickles," Lisa said suddenly.

Jaydin looked at her and asked, "together?"

Jay Paul said, "she had pickles dipped in ice cream earlier."

Ashleigh grinned, "already getting the weird cravings, eh?"  She went in her house and brought out a jar of peanut butter and a dish of baby pickles.

They all watched her dip the pickles into the peanut butter and happily crunch away.  She enjoyed it so much, that Jaydin just had to try one himself.  He spit it out almost immediately.  "You're weird, that doesn't taste good at all!"

"You might end up hating pickles once your pregnancy is over," Ashleigh warned.

"Maybe, but right now this sweet and sour combination hits the spot.  Am I grossing you out?" Lisa asked, as they continued to watch her.

"Not me, but I bet the baby inside of you wants to barf," Jaydin stated seriously.  "Being a big brother soon, I must ask you to stop eating that."

Jay Paul smiled, "it's okay bro, the baby doesn't care what she eats.  But let's go get Lisa some dill pickle chips or something."

"She'll just dip them in the peanut butter Daddy," Jaydin said.  "Mommy's going to have to buy a new jar."

They found chips, but Lisa shook her head that she didn't want them.  Ashleigh brought out brownies, as she had loved sweet things when she had been pregnant.  They were all grossed out, when Lisa went to the kitchen and came back with mustard.  The horrified expressions on their faces, didn't stop Lisa from eating mustard covered brownies.  Jay Paul got out his phone and took video of her eating this bizarre combination.

"No one would believe me without video proof."

Lisa licked her fingers and sighed in satisfaction, "thank you so much, that stopped my cravings for now."

"When I was pregnant with Jaydin, I use to love eating pickles in cream cheese wrapped with pepperoni." Ashleigh confessed and Jay Paul confirmed.

"Or she would eat Goldfish crackers dipped in strawberry ice cream," Jay Paul remembered.

Ashleigh grinned, "I think it was more about the crunch they gave with the ice cream."

"Maybe that's why you ate pickles with ice cream Lisa!" Jaydin suggested.

"These weird cravings are just your body's way of telling you what it needs.  The pickles might be because you're low on sodium. You might have a deficiency in your system and that's the reason for the weird cravings.  Check with your doctor to make sure you have a balanced diet," Ashleigh educated.

"I guess that makes sense.  I'll call her and make an appointment this week."  Lisa stood up and stretched her back.

Jaydin asked, "Lisa can I help you guess a name for the baby?"

"First we need to find out if you'll be a brother to a boy or a girl," Jay Paul explained.

"I'll make a list for both!" Jaydin declared.

Lisa looked at Jay Paul, "can he write that good already?"

Ashleigh smiled, "no... but I'll help him."

Getting down on her knees Lisa gave Jaydin a hug.  "I'm glad you want to be the baby's big brother.  Thank you Jaydin."

"You're welcome Lisa. I can't wait to show him or her how to use the airboat!"

Jay Paul raised an eyebrow. "I'm proud of you bro, for wanting to teach the baby new things.  But it will be years before you'll be able to teach that.  Next time I take the airboat out, you can show me what you remember."

"Can I drive?" Jaydin asked hopefully.

"Sure bro," Jay Paul answered. 

"I think I need a nap, see you two later," Lisa added.

"You going to be at your mom's for dinner Jay?" Ashleigh asked.

"Yeah.  Let her know if you guys are joining us.... See you later bro," Jay Paul hugged his son.

"Bye Daddy, Lisa and Baby!"  Jaydin hollered after them.

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