I hear the girls start to bust out in laughter. We all look on in confusion. The blue haired one wipes a fake tear, "Oh my god, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. And for that, you guys can come and take a rest at our camp." I wave at her, "Oh no, I don't think we should." "It's not like we're murderers." she says. "We kinda are." the one with brown hair says. She turns around, "Lexi. Shush. I am making the friend here. Friend equals good." She turns back to us. I smile a little at them. "Look, dude. We aren't gonna kill you in your sleep or anything. Just let us do this for you. You guys look like you've been traveling for a while and need some place to rest. Okay?" she holds out her hand with a patient smile. I hesitate at first, but eventually take her hand. It was much smaller and thinner than mine, so I felt that if I squeezed my hand I'd brake hers.

She told us to follow them to where they were stationed. As we followed, they led us into a small looking town that was almost completely destroyed. There were giant gaping holes in nearly every building, cars flipped over on the sides of the roads, street lights lying on the ground or bent in a different direction, and it looked completely deserted except for these four. We turned onto a small neighborhood and into the driveway of a house that looked relatively better than the others around it. It was a soft, dusty blue with red shutters and a giant window in front of the house. There were trees and vegetation everywhere.

The girls exited their car and waited for all of us to pile out of ours. We all walked up the steps of the back of the house into a screened in porch. "You think Dash is gonna like these guys?" Lexi asked. "Dude, Dash barely likes you guys." the blue haired one laughed, and Lexi shrugged. They opened the door and a small tabby cat came bounding towards the girls. "Hey buddy!" the blue haired girl happily picked up the cat and entered the house along with the rest of us. They led us into the living room, and turned towards us. The blue haired one spoke, "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves," she declared. "I'm Sam and this is my little kitty Dash. He hates other human beings, so just beware that he bites." Dash, almost on cue, hissed at the group. "I'm Lexi, and Sam and I have been friends for... an amount of years." she smiles. "I'm Madison, and Sam was one of my first friends in Junior High." the curly haired girl bowed. "And I'm Lizzy. I've only known these guys for a couple years, but they somehow became my best friends." the red haired one shrugged.

"Guess it's our turns," Arin stepped up. "I'm Arin, and these are my friends Danny, Mark, Ross, Barry, and Kevin. This is my wife Suzy, and this is our little prisoner, Jack." "What?! I am not your prisoner!" Arin laughed at his little joke.

"Oh yeah we know." Sam said matter-of-fact-ly. "What?"

"Well, we kinda recognized all of you from YouTube and then fangirled in the car on the way here." she grinned nervously. "Wait, you actually know us?" Danny asked. "Why yes I do, Mr. Sexbang." she said in a suave type voice. Dan smiled warmly and put his hand on his chest.

"Well, now that that's settled, you guys can all sleep in the living room. We all kinda took over the other rooms." Madison then began to search for blankets around the house, while some of us spread out and started to look around or talk with our hosts. Suzy went to help Madison get blankets. Everyone else collected in the den and just got to know each other. Danny and I, however, noticed Sam sitting on the couch with a sketchpad and a pencil in her hands.

"You draw?" Danny asked while sitting next to her. "Oh yeah. I used to draw fan art of you guys all the time." she smiled, then blushed suddenly. "You okay?" Danny asked. "Heh heh... y-yeah..." she stuttered. "Would you mind if I took a look at your sketchbook?" he asked. She nodded and Danny started to flip through the sketchbook. There were multiple drawings of characters in different clothing, posing heroically, and a couple pieces of fan art. Then there was one piece Danny stopped on and stared a little, making her hide her face in embarrassment; it was him and I holding hands and smiling.

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