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We had a staring contest. When I looked behind me to catch him looking at me, I held eye contact with him for over five seconds before one of his friends, I'm guessing, demanded for his attention. He looked away, turning his attention to said friend, and that's when I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Creepy much?" Brody says as I turn back to them. He's looking passed me, at who I'm assuming is Louis, with his hand wrapped around Rita's shoulders, who is back to stabbing her mystery meat. As curious as I am about Louis, I kind of agree with Brody. I mean who just stares at people with out starting a conversation. Louis, that's who, and maybe other weird people, like child molesters I don't know. Ew, why did I have to go there, that is just way to far. Like really? That's such a serious thing, I can't compare that to something so small, ugh I'm such a horrible-

"You know what I heard from Jared?" Brody asks no one in particular while slowly taking away the weapon that his girlfriend is using for her meal. Rita watches him like a hawk to its prey as he sets it down on the table, careful not to make the wild beast angry. "He said he's been in town for a week, but didn't come to school because he got arrested." Jared's father is a police officer, so he's always caught up with all the crimes here in our little city.

Rita and I share a look before looking back at him curiously, silently asking him what he did.

"Apparently he attacked old Mr. Rogers at the farmers market." Honestly, I can say that I am a little disappointed, with a tough new looking guy moving into such a small town, I was kind of hoping that he'd be much more.... Interesting, but attacking an old man? That's just low, and immature if you ask me. But who am I to judge? If he wants to beat a sweet 90 year old man, then let him do him.

"You're kidding, right?" Rita snorts in amusement as she takes a sip of her watery fruit punch. Her sour mood seems to be forgotten and replaced by a little attitude, "What could Mr. Rogers could have done to get a reckless teenager so wound up?"

"Yeah, I don't get it. Mr. Rogers is like a kitten, well, more of a cat, 'cause you know, he's old. But like, a cat with no claws...or teeth.... OK, maybe he's a snail, 'cause like he's slow too..." I trail off as I start to think more about it. I mean, snails are so small, like him, and they're both slow, so I guess he could be a snail, I don't know why I said a cat, cats can be dangerous, with their sharp claws and teeth. One time when I was smaller I had this cat named fluffy, and now that I think about it, I don't know why I named her that because she was anything but, if anything she was turned inside out, as Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S would say, like it was just nothing but skin and had wrinkles all over, ew, but that's not the point, the point is, fluffy was so mean, she'd never let anyone hold her or pet her.... I don't think her mother showed her any love... That poor thing. It's too bad she got ran over. My mum said it was a total accident. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was....

"Earth to zoned out Harry, come back Harry." I blinked my eyes and shook my head, seeing Brody and Rita up and out of their chairs, as everyone else made their way out of the cafeterias double doors. "I swear, if you don't stop doing that, I'll just leave you here to look stupid."

"Uh, hehe, sorry. I was thinking about cats."


For the rest of the day I didn't see Louis, I guess I only had that one class with him. Why did it have to be the class that I hate most though? Like why couldn't it have been Journalism, or better yet, Choir. Like I'm so good in choir, my teacher, Mrs. Lyn, says I have a voice of an angel. I think she says that to everyone though...

When the final bell rings, I'm dashing out of the class, hoping to catch up with Rita and beg her to give me a ride home. She loves me so she'll do it, I hope. I carefully push pass the mass of students, quietly saying my apologies and not answering back to the rude ones.

When I reach my locker I quickly shove all my things in, and then rush out of the school doors and into the parking lot. Lucky for me her car is still there and she's no where to be seen. She's probably saying bye to Brody, or got into trouble with one of her teachers again. Oh I hope she didn't get an after school detention, then I'd either have to walk home or wait an hour and a half for her to get out. And I know that when or if she does, she'll be in such a pissy mood. Do I really want to ride with her like that? I mean the whole time she'll most likely say a lot of snarky comments....

Before I can actually decide on what I'm going to do, her voice is ringing in my ear.

"Get in the car." She huffs in a hurry as she quickly opens the drivers door. Confused I look behind her and see Mrs. Lour running over. In a hurry, I pull the passenger door open and shove my bag in the back before sitting and buckling up.

"What did you do this time?" I almost shout as she swerves out of the schools parking lot and onto the street.

"I accidentally told her that my uncle was looking for a woman and if she'd be interested." She says as she slows down.

"So? How is that bad? You're uncle is really cool." I say confused. And its true. The first time I met him, his daughter wanted to play dress up, and he let me play with her.

"I might have been talking about the dead one." She stops at a red light and turns to me.

"Oh my gosh, Rita!" I scold, but it comes out more as a laugh. As horrible as that is, it is kind of funny. "But oh, I almost forgot. My mom is on a business trip and Gemma is at a friends until tomorrow, so you want to stay the night?" I ask.

She takes a moment to think about it and I say, "I have 40 bucks, we can go buy some junk food." And just like that her mind is made.

"I guess my mother wouldn't mind."


When we finally reached my house we both got out of the car and ran straight in, me digging for my money and her calling her mum. After almost turning my room inside out, I found it in one of my pink pillows. But sadly Rita was still on the phone.

"Ma, Ma, OK I will. Yes, I'll be home tomorrow." She pauses,her gaze on me as she rolls her eyes. "Yes, ma. Yes. OK, can I go now?" Another pause, "No I'm not going to a party. No I'm not giving you attitude. Ma please, I have to go now, Harry is yelling at me. I love you to ma. I will, OK bye." She hangs up, "I swear to everything that is holy, she gets on my ass more and more every time I'm with you."

"I don't know why she doesn't like me, I'm so lovable." I say as we step out side and back into her lovely car.

She switches on the radio changing the channels until a familiar song pops up, having both of us shouting in our seats.

"Do you know whats worth fighting for? When its not worth dying for. Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating" We sing along as Rita drives down the street. After the song ends we pull up to the corner store and hop out.

"Awe! This is sweet!" I hear Rita exclaim, so I go to her end to see what she's talking about. Beside her car, a black motorcycle is parked next to ours, and she's almost drooling on it.

"Rita! Don't touch it!" I yell as she reaches out her hand for it. Pouting she pulls it back and continues to admire it. "Come on, you want your Monster or what?" I ask and grab her by he arm before dragging her inside. "I get the chips, you get the drinks."

With a nod, she was heading for the coolers as I made my way down the chip isle. I know Rita doesn't like Lay's, she says its too oily, but I grab a bag for me. I grab a bag of Doritos and a bag of Funyuns. After choosing a couple more I make my way over to the candy section, picking out chocolate bars and gum. With my arms full of chips and Candy, I make my over to the cashier table and dumped it.

"Wait, I'm not done yet." I said to the teenage worker who had zits on his face, ew. Does he not take care of his skin?

Running around to the coolers isle, I bump into a solid figure and fall the ground, my poor butt taking most of the fall.

"Oh come on..." I trail off as I look up at who exactly I ran into. ""

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