Ordinary Life {Chapter 1}

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Author's Note: Hello! I understand it's been a while since I have written anything at all, and I know I said I would be gone for a few months, but I feel like that would just make everything worse. So I feel like maybe I should just write something so that I can just pour my emotions out. This is going to be a Harry Potter AU, and I'm starting it out at a very slow pace. This was originally supposed to be a one-shot in my one shot book, a few of the parts are there, but I decided to make it it's own story (it's also in third person but we'll be following Clarke's journey at Hogwarts). I've also added a few things because I decided to make it a soulmate AU as well. The run down on soulmates is only people of the wizarding world have them, and they can communicate by writing on their hands or around the arm area. The writing disappears after an hour or so, and only the person who is the other person's soulmate can write on their arms and have their soulmate see it. So let's say a guy named Bob is soulmated with Ben. If Bob's friend Alyssa writes on his hand, Ben will not see it, but if Bob writes on his own hand then Ben will see it. If you are close to your soulmate your hands start to burn, or warm up. People are unable to write their soulmate their name or phone number, or address or anything of the sort, it will only disappear. Also, soulmates can feel each other's emotional and physical pain, but they feel it only to a lesser degree. So let's get started.

Clarke's feet dragged through the empty hallway, scuffling on the carpet. She dropped her bag onto the hardwood floor and peeled off her sweat-drenched socks, mumbling and complaining of exhaustion as she struggled to pull off her shoes. She had to walk home from her best friend's house, which was nearly ten blocks away from her own home.

"Mum?" she called down the empty hallway, patiently waiting for a response.

"In here, sweetie!" Clarke's mom called from the kitchen. "Lunch should be finished in an hour or so, I didn't realize you would be home so soon," Clarke's mom said, poking her head out of the archway connecting the kitchen to the living room.

"Okay mum, I'll just watch the telly until your done!" Clarke said, grabbing the remote and taking a seat on her forrest green couch, wriggling around to make herself comfortable.


Clarke lived a normal life with normal parents, and she didn't mind that nothing exciting ever happened. She is, in fact, moderately satisfied with her mundane life. Not happy but satisfied. She always hoped, though, that something exciting would happen. She did see some strange shape appear on her wrist once, something that she didn't put there, but her parents had convinced her she had. A few months later she felt like someone punched her in the face, but her mom and dad had convinced her, again, that she must have just been tired. After that, her mum told her to never write on herself, and Clarke of course obeyed, not wanting to be disrespectful. She never really said anything about the strange pains she would get, since she knew it would upset her parents from the reaction they gave her the first time it happened. She wanted something more in her life, but she could never figure out what. She felt lonely at times, even with her parents and her one close friend.

Clarke is ten years old and she still believes in all the magical fantasy stories, hoping to find a small safe haven in all of the books she reads and all of her artworks and paintings. She has a doctor for a mom who is specialized with trauma surgeries and a father that is an aerospace engineer for NASA.

     Clarke travels a lot because of her parents' jobs, and she doesn't mind. Clarke has been to, in total, six different schools. She never really stopped to make any friends besides Wells of course. She has known Wells since her early preschool years, and he moved around just as much as she did, seeing as Wells' father was also an aerospace engineer for NASA. She and Wells are inseparable, always doing everything together. Wells taught her how to play chess, he always let her borrow pencils in school, and she never has to ask when visiting his home.

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