Chapter Six: Signs of Corruption

Start from the beginning

“Ya think?” the older girl said, and Alex just stuck her tongue out at her. “…And you’re the second most mature out of all of us?”

“Don’t make me get the towel!” the younger quipped, making both of the others laugh. She scowled at the both of them, scooping up her empty mug and rotating it in her hands. Two pairs of eyes were on her, and after a while she just sighed. “Alrighty, enough staring. C’mon, let’s go in the living room- it’ll be comfier.”

With that all three of them stood. Alex slunk into the next room, overly animated and overall silly. Dusk quirked a brow as he followed, listening as Isabelle fell into laughter behind him. He watched as she continued to slink over to the couch and then flop onto it, pretending to play dead. The man stopped in the middle of the room, arms crossed over his chest as he peered at her. When her friend stepped up to his side, he glanced in her direction and asked, “Is she always like that?”

There was a very short pause before the answer was given. “Basically, yeah.” She rolled her eyes when Alex burst into giggles, then walked over to the chair and nearly collapsed into it. Dusk followed a moment later, and once he sat down, Isabelle asked, “So. Explain.”

His golden gaze lifted to meet hers with a smile. “What would you like me to explain first? What I am are what yesterday was all about?”

Alex spoke up, still laying on her back next to Dusk. “We know you’re an Angel. Further explanation can wait- I really want to know what was going on, and why I wanted to kick those other Angels’ asses.”

He turned his head to peer at her curiously. She shifted as his gaze remained on her for longer than normal, and finally a soft smile crawled across his lips. “You…are very strange.”

“…Well, of course I am. But what alerted you to that so quickly?”

He offered a careless shrug as he answered, as if it was an obvious solution. “I’ve never seen a human as protective over their Angel as you. It’s supposed to be the other way around.” He watched the two girls glance to each other, and then blinked as Alex burst into uncontrollable giggles.

Isabelle just shrugged. “That’s Alex for you.” In a swift, fluid motion, the pillow that was on the couch was thrown across the room, hitting the giggling girl bulls-eye in the face. “Let him explain.”

“Hey! Woman!!” Her exclamation was muffled until she pulled the pillow down over her stomach. The glare she was throwing the pillow-thrower was mocking and playful, clearly not serious.

“Don’t Woman me, Woman,” came the immediate response.

Dusk laughed, holding up a hand. “Peace in the battlefield. Let me just explain, it will take some time.” Both girls obediently fell silent, Alex pulling herself up into a sitting position. Once Dusk was sure that they were both comfortable, he sat back- wincing when his back touched the couch- and let his hands fall into his lap. “My kin-“ he paused, a pained look crossing his gaze, and then corrected himself, “-…I mean, God’s Kingdom, is falling apart.”

Alex noticed the look in his eyes and frowned slightly. As he continued she leaned forward a bit, trying to figure out why he looked so…hurt. And when she glanced over to Isabelle, she could tell that she hadn’t noticed. The girl was very, very proficient at seeing small subtleties with the people she was closest to- but the ones she’s only just met? She can’t detect the hints, and is completely oblivious to them. Alex glanced back to him. “He has been corrupted. We don’t understand why, or how, but He has become dark, twisted….greedy, and hungry for power.”

Isabelle straightened sharply. “He as in God?” When Dusk nodded, she gave a sharp whistle out of surprise. “Well…fuck.”

Alex was staring at her. “I can’t believe you’re believing him so easily. You normally question everything.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2011 ⏰

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