Chapter Two: Red and Black

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Alex’s skater shoes were pounding against the black top as she ran down the alley. It wasn’t very long, and soon she caught sight of a group- three men standing, and one on the ground. Her view of the one on the ground was obscured. The three others- one had blonde hair while the other two had lighter brown hair. All of them were lanky, tanned, and wearing nice clothes. But something was off with the three. The girl narrowed her eyes and finally slowed a good distance away, eyeing them.

“You knew this was coming,” the blonde one said. His tone was condescending, and made Alex set her jaw as she listened.

“But why would you complain? God hates ya- there’s nothing to live for anyways.” This was the taller brown-haired one, and after he spoke he gave a short, dry laugh.

“And that human of yours!” the other brown-haired man said, laughing loudly and looking down at the fallen figure with scorn in his blue eyes, “She’s a disgrace! Disgusting, creative, independent bitch…What was her name? Alex?”

The woman stiffened, her gray eyes flashing dangerously. She had no idea why she was the beaten man’s human, and why they referred to her as that, but she was pissed. She glared and started slowly walking forward as the blonde piped in, “Ain’t half bad looking, however repulsive she is. I would totally screw her.”

“That’s enough,” the brunette growled. It started the three, making them jump and turn around to stare at her. And then she just stared back, because when their gaze fell upon her, all three of them suddenly gained wings. Wings?! She blinked a few times, but no, they were still there- all a pristine white, shimmering even in the dark.

“Oh look, the little tramp’s here.” The shorter one said with a smirk. Alex’s confused expression quickly shifted back to her angered one, eyes narrowing.

“And the little tramp’s pissed, too.”

Before she could finish, the one on the ground shifted. Her eyes lowered to him as he propped himself up on his elbows, looking at her with fierce golden eyes. There was a gash above his left brow, another on his neck. “Leave, Alex…” His eyes held a pain that was just more than the injuries he held. A swift kick was given to him in his side just after he spoke, with a harsh, “Shut up, black-winger.”

With sudden determination, and feeling oddly protective of this man, the girl stepped forward and said sharply, “All three of you- leave. Now.”

They laughed, all except the blonde, whom just watched her. “Yeah, right. Us taking orders from a human, one whose fallen out of favor? In your dreams,” laughed the taller one.

“You’ll be in your dreams soon if you don’t shut up and get the hell out of here.” She took another threatening step forward. This time, the two brown-haired men glanced to each other worriedly, unsettled by her confidence. The blonde was still eyeing her, a suspicious look dawning on his features. “Use those pretty little wings of yours if you’re too afraid to pass me. Whatever you do, I don’t care, just get out of my sight or I’ll rip those dainty little appendages right out of your backs.”

The two gaped at her. The blonde cringed and then turned to them. “Come on. This pathetic excuse isn’t worth it. Let’s go.”

“But, if we don’t kill him-” the shorter one began, keeping an eye on the girl, whom tightened her jaw more at his words.

“Look at her! She’s going to kick our ass. Plus, we’re not allowed to interfere with humans. Move, you idiots.” The blonde shoved them before the shorter one hesitantly unfolded his wings and flew up, the taller one following. The blonde paused, looking down at the man on the ground.

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