
1.6K 45 30

We...we created a new everything after our fight. The alternate universes were brought back. And...everything seems perfectly fine now.
Ink...I just want to say it but I can't....I love you so much. You'll always be by my side.



Hey guys! Finally completed! I tried not to cry. I swear. So sad gah! Just to let you guys know, I absolutely adored writing this! I love Errortale and Inktale very much, and I have to say this was the best thing I've wrote in... A while? I'm not too sure, but goodness! Comments and votes GALORE dudes! Aaah I'm super super happy and proud of myself! I'm glad that I downloaded this beautiful and amazing app! But! I love you guys so much! Thanks for supporting me with my first ever WattPad and FanFic! C: thank you so much dudeys! It really makes me happy that some actual real people have took the time to read my work! Gaah it just makes me so happy that I'm getting such nice comments and views! Legit guys I love you all!
Anyways, what should I do next? Maybe an x reader? Comment what you want, I'm happy to take requests!

Update 25th June: 1k? Wow! Oh gosh thank you all so much! I'm so proud of myself! Also, just to let you know, this story is completed, so it will not be updated any longer. You should check out the one I'm working on right now! It's about a psychotic Blueberry, expressing his inner violence slowly but surely. Go ahead and pop over once in a while! -Pretzel

Update 16th July: AAAAAAAAAAAA! 2.5k? Thank you guys so so much! I'm super glad so many of you like my story! Just a quick note, this story will not be updated any longer. I'm actually thinking about making a second one! Love you all! - Pretzel

Update 20th July:Oh sweet baby jebu... we reached 3k! Ahhhhh thank you guys so so much!-Pretzel

23 August: 5.7k? Lord of Jesus, thank you! Ahh I can't believe this shit hhhh thanks so much! -Pretzel

11th September: 7k! AAAAA THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! - Pretzel

29th October: Nine. Fucking. Thousand. AAAAAAAA I wake up to this? Seriously, thank you all so so much!

19th December: 10k?! Thank you guys so much! I can't believe I've made it this far!!

8th February: 11k!! Whaaaaaaaa I can't believe it again! >♡< Thank you guys so much for everything! :)

2nd March, 2018: Thank you so much for 13k. We've come so far with this story that's almost 2 years old now, and unfortunately I've happened to leave the Undertale fandom entirely. However, it'll always have a place in my heart, because this is where it all began for me. I wouldn't know where I would be if i hadn't come across it.
Upon my leave, this book will no longer be updated with any other achievements or progress, although I'll always respond to future comments and check up on how this is doing.
Thanks so much again, and as always,
Stay determined.
- V/Pretzel

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