The Final Fight

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Somewhere in the anti-void...
Ink Sans' P.O.V
"Error!" I shouted as the black figure turned around to look straight into my soul. It grinned with its discoloured teeth, glitching about. Boy, that was my twin alright. "Ink Sans..?" He chuckled. "What are you doing here in the Anti-Void? Do you want to be 'friends' again? Gwah hah hah!" I blinked, my feet shuffling nervously. "That's not the point, Error!"
"You know very well that's why you're here."
"It's not why I'm here! I could say the same to you! Why are you here, Error?" I asked, pointing at his face with a bony finger. My alter ego simply chuckled, finding this oddly amusing. "Oh, you are purely entertaining, are you not? Fine. I will tell you why I'm here." An orb appeared in his hands, which like everything else, were also discoloured. A black smoke was swirling around inside it, with a tint of navy at the non existent edges of the gas. Everything else was just transparent. " you know what this is? It represents the multiverse. Everything that ever exists is mirrored, symbolised into this orb. Do you not notice that it's black? Black is the colour of death! It's all dead. All of it!" Error laughed, wheezing. I didn't know what to do. "Y-you didn' couldn't have!"
"Hah hah! Oh yes, little Ink. Indeed, I destroyed it all. And now, all I the destruction of humanity! Then, there will be no more Balance! Killing us both off!"
"The Balance is shaky! It never stops shaking! We keep fighting, and it causes humanitarian prescience to falter and wither away like a beautiful flower just bloomed. They...they are dear to us both!"
"No they are not," He chuckled again. "They are nothing but worthless creatures that have a growing need for the corruption of your Earth! The Earth is your dirty canvas! It's also my playground! My sandbox! Humans need to be wiped off the very face of this lonely planet. And it's my job to do such things!" Error ran towards me, fists balled. I did the same and we knocked each other down, skidding along the ground. We stood up again in unison, firing Gaster Blasters and bones, punching each other constantly. Our skulls were dented, our breathing slow and heavy. "Error, I don't want to fight you!"
"Of course you want to fight me!" We ran toward each other again, but before he could strike a blow to my ribs, I whipped off my paintbrush from its hilt and smacked it hard against Error's back with the hard end. It would always guarantee to send the person flying. "Have a nice trip!" Chuckling, my feet landed on the ground, my hands slipping the paintbrush back in its hilt. The glitch slowly stood up. "Bastard." He muttered under his breath, tying my soul up with his strings and cornering me. I couldn't move at all with how weak I was. My reflection then whipped out a knife and untied my soul. The steel blade was splattered with blood. "Er..ror?" I asked, as he held the blade in his shaking hands.
"I-I've made up my mind." Error pointed the sharp edge at my neck as I gasped ever so slightly. I noticed tears were running down his face. "I'm going to become God." The blade clicked with his shaking hands. "Kill all the others, and become God... s-so I can bring Dad back to life!" He blinked, choking on his tears. "Th-that makes you my enemy!" I paused for a moment. Then I smiled. "Really?" Error's hands shook with the knife rattling knife. "I-I can do this on my own! I-I know where Asgore is... The underground know me, so I'll be able to catch them off-guard!" His hands fiddled with the knife again. "I'll f-find a way to deal with humanity..." I carried on smiling as he said this. "What about me?" I said, as Error flinched slightly. "Are you going to kill me now?" My twin closed his eyes as the knife neared my neck. "Error..." I sighed and leaned in to kiss him for about a second. "I'm ready to die whenever," I said, smiling. "Because it's my fate and my destiny." My reflection blinked again, more tears running down his face as he dropped the knife on the ground with a clatter. "'re right, Ink. I... I can't kill you... or the balance... I'll never be too strong to do so..." He smiled back at me. "Ink. I want to create a new balance..."
"... Together."

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