Don't Cry. Please? 5.21.16

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She smiled and listened well
She accepted every word.
She never argued but remained meek
And simply nod and nicely smiled.

Night came and she's in her room.
All was in slumber except her;
She stood still lying on her bed
With her pillow wrapped around her arms.

Her mask was now removed:
Her smile and cheerful face.
Tears bursted out from within
With the burden she kept hidden all day.

Don't cry.

Her heart was deep into sorrow
And lonliness covered her up.
They never knew what happens to her
Everytime the night takes its place.

She cried and let the tears rush down
But kept silent to not disturb them all.
She wanted to open up and express it all
But she feared to be judged and misunderstood.

In the morning she returns to her mask.
A smile she wears and cheers them up.
It is her joy to encourage others
And to see them happily smiling or laugh.

Each day new things happen.
Some are good while some are bad.
She couldn't handle the bad because she was too loaded
And In her mind she cannot escape.

She wanted to run just to escape
But she cannot for it is difficult;
Difficult to escape what is in her mind:
To kill the idea that pains her so.

A young girl they know but never knew.
a young girl whom they see as strong
Turned out to be weak  
And very much afraid.

She needed help to cheer her up.
Help to overcome her greatet struggle.
A struggle that silently kills its chosen victim,Little by little.
... Don't cry..

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