
"Hello, pet. Nice to see you up!"

Ollie jumped out of his seat and run up to Dec. He motioned to be picked up, which Dec obliged to do. "Guess what, Daddy?"


"Grandma is staying with us for the whole of autumn break!" Ollie enthusiastically announced. "That's two weeks, Daddy!" He said while holding up two fingers.

"Wow, two weeks! That's great!" Dec sets Ollie back down on his chair before walking over to Anne, who was standing by the stove. "Ma, what are you doing here?" He whispered.

Anne looked over at the kids before whispering back, "Ant drove to Newcastle last night and came knocking at my door at two in the morning, asking if I could come down here and help you with the kids for a while. I said yes of course and took the first train down here."

"Why would he do that?"

"He said he was gonna take some time off and stay up with his Mam in Newcastle. Don't worry Decky, he said he'll be back in time for Australia." She added when he noticed Dec frown. "Now, why don't you take a seat while I finish up with breakfast."

Dec did as he was told and took his spot on the table. He picked up the newspaper and started to browse through it, but he couldn't focus on the page he had opened. His mind was too busy wondering about why Ant suddenly left for Newcastle. Obviously, it wasn't solely because he wanted to visit his Ma. It clearly had to do with last night's events.

This is what you wanted, Dec. You wanted Ant gone because he was trying too hard to take Stephen's place. Why are you looking for him now?

Why was he looking for Ant? He should be glad that Ant had gone away for a while. Ant had done him a favor and given him the space he wanted.

Dec was brought out of his thoughts when Mika, who was sat across from him, reached over the table and pulled down the newspaper. "Daddy?"

"Mika, that's rude. You don't do that. If you want someone's attention, you have to call out their name, alright?" Dec says sternly at his daughter.

"Oh, okay." Mika shrunk back on her seat and hugged her superman teddy bear. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

Dec's face softens. "I'm sorry too, love. I didn't mean to sound so angry at you." Dec folded up the newspaper and placed it to the side. He moved over to the empty seat at the head of the table - Stephen's old spot - and sat next to his daughter. "Now, what did you want to ask Daddy, pet?" he asks in a soothing voice.

"I just wanted to know where Uncle Ant is. He's supposed to be here right now," Mika replies. "He's always here."

"Uncle Ant is at Newcastle with his Mam."

"How long will he be gone?" Ollie asked.

"I don't know, guys-"

"Is he gonna be gone forever?" Mika cut in. A mixture of sadness and fear was evident on her face. "I don't want him to be gone, too."

Dec's eyebrows shot up. He picked up Mika from her seat and cuddled her. "No, baby. He's not gonna be gone forever. He's just visiting his Mam for a bit before me and him leave for Australia." He rubbed her back when he heard sniffling. "Oh, you poor thing. Thinking Uncle Ant is gone forever. He'd never do that to ya. He promised you, remember?"

Mika nodded against his chest.

"How about after breakfast we call Uncle Ant? I'm sure he wouldn't mind hearing you twos voices," Dec offers as a comfort to Mika.

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