Chapter 11

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Dec ended up staying two more weeks in the hospital. Those two weeks were spent in physio. With hard work and support from his loved ones, Dec was able to make progress in his physio sessions and was able to walk on his own by the middle the second week. At the end of that week, Dec was discharged from the hospital.

Upon hearing that Dec was discharged, Ant and Stephen rushed over to Dec's house.

Anne answered the door and found the beaming lads on her doorstep. "Wow, word travels fast, eh? Come on in, lads. Decky is in the living room."

"Oh no, thanks Mrs. D. We just wanted to see if Dec can come out with us," Ant replied.

"Oh I don't know, Ant. Decky just got home. I don't want him going off again."

"Who's at the door, ma?" Dec came out of the living room and saw his two friends standing at his doorstep. "Hey guys! What are you doin' here?"

"We were just asking your mom if you can go hang out with us. We were thinking about having a lunch out," Stephen replied.

"Ooh that sounds fun!" Dec looked at his mother, eyes and lips in full pleading mode. "Ma, can I go? I've been stuck in the hospital for two months. Can I please go? I promise not to lie down in front of cars anymore."

Anne gently slapped Dec on his arm. "Don't joke about that."

"Can I please go? Pleeaase!"

"Fine, just be careful and I want you back before supper," Anne yelled after Dec, who was already off with his two friends.

"So where we goin', boys?" Dec walked between the two towering boys.

Ant and Stephen exchanged looks before, Ant answered. "We're goin' to this new shop that opened up by the youth club. The food's great... and cheap."

"Nice to see that youse guys are pullin' out all the stops for me first day out of the hospital," Dec said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Stephen slung an arm around Dec's shoulder and hugged him close. "Don't worry, Declan. When I get rich in the future, I'll make sure to take you out to expensive restaurants."

Dec laughed. "I was just kiddin'. But since youse offered, I'm gonna hold you to that promise." He snaked his arm around Stephen's waist to keep him from pulling away.

So it starts now, Ant thought as he watched the two. He fell back a little as they walked to the new shop.

Dec looked over his shoulder and flashed a quick smile at his friend. "Come, on, man! Don't be a slowpoke!"

When they got to the shop, the two boys led Dec to their usual spot in the corner by the window. Ant and Stephen took their seats across from each other, while Dec stood awkwardly by the table. He looked at the empty seats next to each boy, contemplating who he should sit next to.

Sensing Dec's dilemma, Ant made the decision easier for him. "What youse doin', man? Just take a seat," he pointed at the empty seat next to Stephen.

Dec shot Ant a look. You sure, Ant?

Ant rolled his eyes. Aye, go on!

Dec smiled and sat down next to Stephen, who was oblivious to the silent conversation his friends just had.

At that moment, Clara, the owner of the shop, approached their table. "Ah, my loyal customers. Nice to see you two again," she greeted Ant and Stephen warmly. "And who's the new lad? Never seen you here before?"

"Clara, this is Dec. He's the friend we've been talkin' to youse about. The one that was in the hospital? He just got out today, so we decided to take 'im here for his first decent meal," Ant answered.

The short petite 30 year old owner smiled at Dec. "Well, I'm glad to see that you're fine now. And to celebrate that your out of the hospital, your first meal here is on the house," Clara turned to the two other boys. "But you two have to pay!"

"Hey, that's not fair," Stephen pouted.

"I still have to make money boys! I'm just being nice to Dec here," Clara said. "Anyway, you two still ordering burgers?"

Stephen and Ant both nodded. Clara looked at Dec. "And how about you?"

Dec did a quick look over the menu. "Eh, just the fish n chips, please. And thank you for the free meal."

"That's no problem. Now you boys just wait, we'll get your order out as soon as we can," Clara said as she walked away.

The boys didn't have to wait long and their food soon arrived. Ant automatically lifted the top bun and picked off the pickles and placed it on Stephen's plate. The younger boy then put it in his burger. Dec watched the two's actions and felt a little jealous of Ant. That's not fair. He's already bonded with Stephen.

Ant took a bite of his burger and looked over to Dec, who was staring at him. "Wha?" he mumbled through a mouth full.

"Why don't youse just order yer burger without the pickles?" Dec muttered. Dec stabbed a few chips with his fork and angrily chewed it.

Stephen frowned, confused by Dec's change of demeanor. Why is he getting angry about pickles?

"Dec, I forgot to order 'em without it the first time. And I found out he likes 'em, so I just give it to 'im," Ant explained.

"Sorry, 'bout that. Let's just forget it."

To cut the tension, Stephen changed the subject. "So lads, I heard that the Newcastle's first match on Saturday is a home game. You two fancy going with me? I've saved up enough money for three tickets. It won't be that great of seats, but it's seats to a home game!"

"Why aye! I'm up for that," Dec exclaimed.

"How about you, Ant?" Stephen asked.

"I think I'll pass, Mullers. Me mam's already havin' me babysit Sahra," Ant responded.

"Oh, okay. Well Declan, I guess you and me are going on a date," Stephen laughed. His laugh subsided when Dec looked at him hopefully. "Unless you really want it to be a date?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Dec said timidly. He reached for Stephen's hand under the table and squeezed it.

Stephen stared at their joined hands then at Dec's smiling eyes. "It's a date then."

Ant slipped away from their table unnoticed and went to the restroom. He violently rubbed his tears away. He walked over to the sink and splashed some water on his face, hoping to stop the tears. Ant leaned on the sink and stared at himself on the mirror. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

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