Chapter 22

340 22 7

Note: Italicized text are the person's thoughts.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Ever since Dec and the twins' birthday, Ant has noticed that his best mate was acting strangely towards him. He was more hostile, more distant. Sure, Dec has exploded in anger at him before, but those were influenced heavily by alcohol and he would always apologize after when he's sober.

Now, Dec was being distant for no reason at all. Dec only talks to him whenever the kids were around, but as soon as the kids leave the room, silence would fall over the room. He'd ignore Ant's every attempt to have a conversation with him.

Well, Ant was getting sick of it. He can take the hitting, the cursing, the yelling, but this, he can't take. This was hurting him more than anything else Dec could do to him.

So one night, a few weeks before they were due to fly to Australia for IAC, Ant decided to confront Dec about their situation.

The kids were already asleep, so Ant saw this as his perfect opportunity. He searched all over the house for Dec, only to find him alone once again at the patio.

"Dec, can we talk?"

The shorter man doesn't answer. He just continues to stare up at the London night sky.

Frustrated, Ant stands in front of Dec, blocking his view. "Dec, please."

Dec stood up from his chair and tried to get back inside the house, but Ant stopped him. Ant curled his hand around Dec's arm, not letting him take another step.

"Ant, let go of me," Dec said through gritted teeth.

"No, not until you and me have a chat."

Dec faced Ant. "What is it?"

"Why are you acting like this, Dec?"

"Acting like what?" Dec spat.

"Like you hate me."

"It's because I do hate you!" Dec screamed close to Ant's face.

"Why? What did I do?"

"You took Stephen's spot!" Dec cried.

Ant frowned. "What?"

"I didn't wanna see colors again, Ant! I didn't want another soulmate!" Dec started pounding at Ant's chest as the taller man tried to calm him down with a hug. "I didn't want someone else to replace Stephen! I still love him, Ant!"

Ant has always wanted Dec to say he was his soulmate, but not like this. Not when Dec was hurting because of it. He'd rather have Dec not have him as his soulmate if it meant Dec would be happier.

Dec pushed Ant away and continued yelling, "Are you happy now, Ant?! You got what you want now!"

Ant didn't answer. He looked on at Dec helplessly.

Dec shook his head at Ant's silence. "I hate you, Ant." He says with every intent of hurting Ant. Dec turns his back on Ant and goes back into his house. "Just stay out of our face, will ya."

Ant stood there for a few more seconds before wandering off to his own house.


The next day, Dec woke up to the kids laughing loudly downstairs. He looked over to his bedside table clock and saw that it was 9:34. Dec reckoned that the kids were eating breakfast with Ant. He doesn't give up, does he?

Dec wiped the sleep off his eyes before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. When he was done, he dressed himself with a black tee and a pair of jogging pants before joining the kids for breakfast. He was surprised to see his mother in the kitchen instead of Ant.

Seeing ColorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora