Chapter Twenty-Nine - Niall

Start from the beginning

"I am. But no to a girl... I'm in a relationship with a guy. I'm gay..."

"Oh, well then" I panicked, I couldn't lose this, this was my dream. Why did there have to be homophobes out there? 

"Please don't get rid of me" I pleaded. "I love this and want this so badly, it's my dream" the words left my mouth uncontrollably. 

"Mr Horan. We are not going to let you go" the man chuckled. "Now tell me. Are you both out? Does he understand the consequences of your job?" I was shocked, I was sure they were going to get rid of me for this. 

"We, we are, out that is. He um, he's just been signed to Doncaster Football Club. He knows what he's getting into" they nodded. 

"It's a good thing we have contracts made for these things. Here is your new contract to read over, please if anything at all is wrong do tell us. We want you on board Niall. You will be a great asset to us" 

I read the new contract. Everything was great. I didn't need to be hidden, I could date Louis and be open about it while having the best amount of time for album releases and touring. I couldn't wait to tell Louis when he picked me up. 

Soon enough, everything was signed and I was on the way to fame. I almost ran out to the car when everything was finalised. I jumped into the car and kissed Louis before he got the chance to say a word. 

"Hello to you too" he laughed when I pulled away. "It all went well then?" 

"It went great. It was  amazing, they were so nice and they had a contract for me so I don't have to hide that I'm gay. We can be open about this Lou!" 

"That's amazing baby. I'm so proud of you" he kissed me this time. "Now, I don't want to burst your bubble but, are you okay to leave now?" and thats when my mood dropped. "Hey, babe, I'm sorry" 

"It's fine. It's gotta happen, we better go, don't want to be late" he nodded and rested a hand on my thigh. Everything will be alright, as long as he is with me. I will be okay.


We arrived in Ireland late and tired. Louis dragged our over night bags, filled to the brim of clothes for more than a day, and walked up to my, now just, grandad's house. We were welcomed in and I hugged my immediate family, Louis did too, giving his condolences to everyone. 

Louis and I sat down with some tea, and I relaxed into his body, while he drew lines up and down my arm. It was peaceful and relaxing. 

"So, Louis, any improvements in your game?" my dad asked him. I closed my eyes and just allowed myself to listen to his beautiful voice. 

"Actually, the Rovers signed me, I'm now a member" he stated proudly. "But Niall here just signed his own contract" my eyes shot open. "We flew out after he signed a contract at Sony. He's going to be a singer" 

Everyone congratulated me. I blushed, feeling embarrassed, I didn't like the attention being on me like this. It odd and unnatural. Louis just kissed my cheek for comfort.

Not too long later, everyone was going to bed, and I was helping Louis pull out the bed from the couch for us to sleep on. The night felt almost normal, just a little odd that my grandma wasn't present. It was slightly empty.

Louis held me close to him the whole night. We shared soft and small kisses, it made me feel better about the whole situation. He was so sweet and loving to me the whole time, he never let me go until I drifted off to sleep, but even when I woke, he was still holding me close to him. 

The morning dragged on, eating a small breakfast and getting dressed in black clothing really made the whole morning quite the downer. Louis tried to make a smile a little, kissing me in the little places that normally make me giggle, but did nothing but bring a small smile to my face. He tried telling jokes, but nothing was helping. 

When the time came to leave, I gripped Louis's hand tightly. I didn't want to have to say goodbye for the last time. It couldn't be happening. Louis held on to me tightly and comforted me throughout the whole service. I bawled through it all. It just hurt too much to see all the memories of her. 

The wake was nice, a little get together of everyone at one of the club halls in the town, the only place big enough to serve food to people and allow them to roam around and talk. Louis and I sat on the couch with a plate of mini cakes that he was feeding me. I would take a bite then he would have one. It was a cute coupley thing to do. He even kissed me when I had icing on my mouth, getting rid of the sweetness. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked softly in my ear. 

"I'm alright" I shrugged. "Can't believe that was the last time I would ever see her again" there was an open casket for everyone to say goodbye one more time. I nearly collapsed into Louis's arms seeing her there, looking so lifeless and cold, it was horrible. A sight I dread to see again.

"Good" he kissed my cheek, then pressed more cake to my lips. 

A moment later, my grandad wanted to grab everyone's attention to do a small speech. I found that sweet and very courageous of him for the circumstances of the day.

"I want to thank you for coming here, it means-" he was stopped by a phone, and not just any phone, Louis's. Everyone looked at us while Louis frantically pulled his phone from his pocket. He apologised and left the room to take the call. It must be important if he could take it in a time like this. 

I watched as he walked to the corner of the room, speaking to someone. I strained my ears to try and listen to what he was saying but I couldn't hear anything over my grandad's speech. Louis seemed frantic as the conversation continued to carry on. He was biting his nails and running his hand into his hair. Whatever was happening didn't look good. 

The speech finished and that's what pulled my attention away. I lightly clapped for him, it took guts to do that. I don't think I could ever talk to people if my loved one passed away. It would be too hard. I sighed sadly, playing with the rim of my glass, wanting Louis to come back to my side. 

A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped. "Sorry" Louis said. "Um, Charly's gone into labor" 

"Oh" I breathed out. 

"I told her what was happening, so I said I'd stay with you" I looked up at him. So grateful he did that, but deep in his eyes I could see he wanted to be there, and I couldn't let him miss this. The most important part of his life could definitely not be missed, at all. I wouldn't allow it. 

"No. Go, I want you to go see the birth" his eyes grew hopeful. 

"I can't... You need me" I shook my head. 

"I'm old enough to handle this, go, go be with her" I took his hands into mine. "Please. This is important, I want you to go" 

"But you're important too" he stated. 

"But you only see the birth once, you'll see me all the time" I didn't want him to leave, honestly, part of me wanted him to ditch the whole idea and just stay, but it wasn't right. "Go, before she has the baby" he almost cried, pressing a kiss to my lips, he thanked me and ran off out the doors.

I felt empty and alone. I wanted him with me, I needed him here, but he has his own life. He now has a child to care for and someone to raise him or her with. I would always be on the outside. I loved him so much, but could I handle it now it was here?

"Where'd Louis go?" my mum asked me, her eyes were red like mine and she held a cup of water in her hand. 

"Home. His baby is on the way" with those words, I knew I had a very hard decision to make, and I think I knew the answer already.

A/N OMFG intense or what. Comment and vote, I miss you all on this fic

A Longing Love 》Nouis Book 2 (#Wattys2015) ✅Where stories live. Discover now