Lunch (1)

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Ruvik's POV

"Come on man, let's go to lunch," Sebastian whined from the gray sofa sitting adjacent from my desk. I sighed deeply and stared at the list of emails that required my attention. Today marks the first day I've been back since my trip to Paris. Who knew there was so much untapped potential outside of the states. I was lucky enough to meet with and sign 5 new authors to publish. Now I have to do my part and get the ball rolling.

"I have work to do," I repeated for the tenth time. My stomach growled loudly, betraying me, and my attempt to stay in my office.

"You never go out to lunch with me anymore... Please, just this one time." He pleaded. Without looking I know he's pouting with his bottom lip protruding. Something he's done before and it works every time. Even without me looking at him, I'm picturing it and it's working... Another email popped up, I sighed and rubbed my face. I will never get any work done with him pestering me.

"Fine." I sighed. I cursed myself mentally for giving in. He's so used to getting his way

He jumped up in a cheer and clapped his hands. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at myself and his triumphant dancing. Sometimes I forget how gay Sebastian is, especially on his more masculine days. His scrawny figure is perfect for his girl-ish ways. He sways his hips when he walks and dresses very drag. In the workplace, he wears a suit, but he still wears makeup. I don't have a problem with it considering I own the place. People really had a problem with him being full out drag so we settled on a compromise. Other co-workers get what they want, and Sebastian still gets to look "fabulous". At the time Sebastian wasn't happy about it. You know, equality and all of that. But I have a business to ruin so I had to settle somewhere.

I groaned at the sound of another email coming in, luring me to stay and work through lunch. Sebastian tugged at my arm trying to get me out of my seat. I caved and let him pull me out of my office. My poor computer, I can hear her calling daddy's name already. I never leave work unfinished. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Of course, a quick lunch won't hurt anything, those emails will still be there when I get back. Besides, I am starving.

Sebastian was antsy the entire elevator ride down. I always found his excessive energy astounding. It's kind of cute, but when we dated I often found it annoying. Especially when I was already aggravated from work or something. Sebastian is the type of person that requires a lot of patience.

"Where to, Sir?" My driver asked me as we approached the parked vehicle. I looked towards Sebastian and arched an eyebrow. It was he who dragged me from my office, he should decide where to go.

"My girlfriend just started working at this restaurant called 'Castellanos'. I figured we could go check it out." He said with a nonchalant shrug even though his face and posture read excitement. With a nod, I motion for him to get in the car first. Once he's seated on the opposite end, I slid in after him onto the fine leather seats. As soon as my door is shut and my seatbelt is secured, my phone is in my hand and I start to go through my emails, organizing them by importance and whether or not if it's something my assistant can reply to. There are a shit ton of events planned that I have to show up to. Most of them are grand revealing of books my company has helped publish. Since I published them, I have to show up at every event. Usually, it's not bad. However, as I said, we just signed ten five authors. This means a lot of work convincing bookstores to not only host the book signings but sell their books. A lot of our authors are already famous on whatever platform they use to write their books, so publicity usually isn't an issue.

"Oh my gosh seriously?" Sebastian sighed while shaking his head in feigned disappointment.

"We are not there yet so shut it," I said while I continued to type. He sighed again but remained silent. Sebastian knows when to stop bugging me. I let him get away with a lot of shit. However, he knows his limits. I used to train Sebastian as a sub. That's how we became great friends. At one point I decided men weren't really for me anymore so I stopped training them. Sebastian stuck to me like glue and we've been friends ever since. He's still looking for a dominant. I told him that I would keep an eye out. I don't have any subs anymore. They're just too much time and I am basically married to my work.

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