Harry sick at the studio, parts one and two

Start from the beginning

 I must've acquired a temperature at some point. I felt like if it wasn't for the insistence pain in my head I probably could've fallen asleep on my feet and when I held my hand in front of me it was trembling.

Louis walked very close to me while we walked inside the building, almost stuck to my side.

"Hey, wait up guys!" Niall's voice echoed down the hall and a few moments later he was jogging up next to us.
"Hey!" He said, grinning toothily. His face dropped when he saw me. 

"Harry,  are you doing okay, mate? You look like you're gonna pass out."
There was an edge of seriousness in Niall's voice that usually wasn't there so I must've looked really shitty.

"He's not okay, but he wouldn't get out of my car so here we are."

 Louis flicked my cheek and then as a second thought gently laid his palm over my forehead. I didn't even bother moving away.

"You have a fever Hazza. . ."

"Come on, Liam's probably waiting for us all," I blurted and carried on walking. 

Sure enough Liam was in the first room on a couch waiting for us. He waved with a smile and we all went over to him.
"G'morning lads," he said.

I forced a smile but I'm pretty sure it was just a slight twitch of my lip as I plopped down onto the couch next to him. 

We sat around and chattered for a good quarter of an hour while we waited for the producers. It wasn't that we were incapable of working on our own, but depending on who we were working with there was a possibility we'd get our heads chopped off if they walked in and saw that we'd started without them.

My head was really hurting, I just wanted to curl up into the corner of the couch and bury my face in a massive pillow. I raised my wavering hands to try massage the pain away and before I knew it everyone was looking at me. 

I quickly pulled my hands away.

"Harry. . ."

Before I could ask Niall to just spit it out the crowd of producers, well there were only five or so but still, filtered in and started barking orders. Apparently I had a piece I had to record before anything else could be done.

Lucky me.

Louis tugged on my wrist, "don't be too hard on yourself Haz."

I didn't say anything, instead just making my way to the booth and getting ready, knowing that the quicker I did got this over and done with, the quicker I could go to sleep. 

I pulled the headphones on, trying not to jostle me head to much and cause any unnecessary pain. It was already bad enough.

The booming music started playing a few moments later and I winced as it shook through my skull. I sung nevertheless, sounding very strained and very awkward but it was better than nothing.

Someone asked me if I was alright because I looked pale and shaky but I just nodded stubbornly. It was the wrong thing to do because the pain in my head spiked to the point where I had to bite down hard on my lip to keep from crying out.

 I finished my piece and shuffled back out to the couch, squinting to try and block out the light.

 Liam patted my leg once, "are you okay Hazza?"

"My h-head hurts like hell, but I'm o-okay for now, thanks Li," I muttered in response, sagging against the cushions.

"Tell me if you need anything, buddy. I'm just gonna head off to the bathroom and then I'll be right back here."

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