Over reacting

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Me: Hey guys I'm back

Jin: Oh hey- *Sees my hair cut and begins screaming*

Lao: Hey what's wr- *Begins screaming also*

Liu: Why are you all scream- *Starts screaming also*

Takeda: Yo why does everyone sound- *Screaming also*

Jacqui: Can you all- *Screams along*

Sub-Zero: Seriously I think all this screa- *Screams also*

Fujin: Ok can we all just stop- *SCREAMS LIKE HELL*

Cassie: Ok what's going on *Sees my hair* Nice haircut

Fujin: *Stops screaming, walks towards me, and starts touching my hair while crying* Why?! W h y? W H Y?

Me: 😐 Why not?

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