Where were you?

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I wake up soon after, in the woods, it was day now. I was almost to my house when I saw a police man, he looked at me, looking at him, and yelled, "She's here". "What, who?" I yelled, then I realized it was only me and him standing in a clearing of the woods. "What do you mean, I'm here?" I ask. I heard lots of commotion coming from my house. I run to it to see more officers, and my mother trembling and crying. I run to her, and hug her. She looks up at me with a sense of relief, then  starts bawling even heavier. "Where have you been?" Layla asks as she runs up to me. We go inside and she explains everything to me. Apparently I had been gone for 4 hours, and it's not usual for people to go missing in my small town. When she asked me where I had been, I was silent. What was I supposed to say, 'Oh, I was in some magical fairy realm'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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