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Mathew-Age 14

"The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow." Bob Marley.



Ever since the war between the worlds, half of Earth became a wasteland, while the other half was an empire. Only the strong humans were allowed to pass its barriers while the weak perished outside, and with little food, they started to die off. Mathew's father was one of those stuck up men who thought those people deserved that, but Matt couldn't disagree more. And his father was discussing the matter while his son waited outside the capital building, which wasn't the best idea due to his extreme curiosity.

                 Instead of staying where he was told, the lad wondered off into the garden ahead. He had visited this area many times before, and each time was better than the last. This was only true because  Mathew's father instantly became infuriated once his son started to explore where he wasn't supposed to, and nothing was better than seeing his father angry. So as he made his way through, he checked his surroundings, and after making sure no guards were around him, slowly made his way over to the cemetery. 

                  He never really understood why  is was so important to keep people away from here, but that just made him want to stand in front of the metal gates more than before.

          "Now......what awaits me...." He mumbled, as he finally approached the gate. But there was a heavy iron lock securing it, and there was no way he was going to break it. But nothing was stopping him from climbing up because it wasn't even that tall compared to him. 

                      "Hey! You!" A guard yelled from out in the distance.

                    "Shit..." Matt mumbled as he climbed up the fence as quickly as possible. He was able to reach the top in no time, but by then the guard was right below him. The lad immediately dropped to the other side and only looked back to find that the guard looked extremely enraged, and he was clenching his fists so hard that they were turning white.

               "I'll be back! With the dogs and keys!" He yelled.

     Matt took that as a sign to escape as he sprinted down the stone pathway in front of him. He was trying to make it over to a small building on the other side of the yard, and he still had that smile stuck on his overjoyed face. Just the idea of what his dad might think about this was more than enough incentive for him to keep him at it.

                                       "Stop where you are!" The guard yelled again, but his time he had two more comrades and half a dozen dogs were by their sides. 

                   Matt panicked when he finally reached the entrance, but ignored that while he burst through the doors. He found a lock and bolted the door shut before the guards were able to even get near it.

           "Suckers!" Matt yelled. He tiptoed away and looked around the room to see if there would be anything useful. But he didn't find anything close to what he was expecting. Instead of there being corpses in here, there seemed to be an armory and maps were scattered everywhere. The whole entire place looked as if it was just used recently, and there wasn't a speck of dust to be found.

             He didn't dare wonder if anyone else was there; no one would stop his adventure now that it had begun. Mathew made his way over to a small round table in the corner of the room.  There were papers after papers stacked on top of each other, and each one was a map with a title in some foreign language. He couldn't quite make out what they were, and made his way over to the bookshelf. The lad kept looking until he found one called translator, which he immediately opened.

            It was hard for him to concentrate with the men and beasts howling outside, but he kept looking until he found the chapter that looked exactly like the words on the map. He kept searching and searching the pages, and stopped when he had found the right one.

            "Ok, here goes nothing....."O"...."t"..."h"..."e"...."r"...."W'...."o"...."r"..-' He didn't need to figure out what letters came next, because he new exactly what they were. These maps were of the alien planet.

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