chapter 16-what to do

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Kira pov
Kira was sitting on her bed thinking about what scott said when her mom came in kira noshiko said how are you feeling fine kira said lieing you know stressing is not good for the baby kira you are carrying the next generation into the supernatural world now me and your farther are moveing back to new York noshiko saise kira was stunned what

Kira listen we would love for you to come with us and let the baby your little girl have a normal life mom I.....but if not the house is paid off and you cane stay hear and satmoine said she would look after i have to stay here noskio looked hurt very well kira i love you and my grandchild she said walking out

Kira knew she wanted to stay but she felt like she was holding scott back they barely talked anymore she heard a knock on the door it was malia and lydia hows my little girl doing in there lydia said comeing to sit on the bad good kira said whats wrong with you i can smell you maila said nothing kira said spill it kira stress is not good for the baby my mom and dad are movieng back to new york they said rather i stay or go is my decision kira said and i feel like scott never mind kira maila said scott will always love you regardless he loves you may not be his first love but you are carrying a mirale baby his child kira and lydia were both stunned lydia broke the silence so are u staying or leaving?

Sorry for the cliffhanger untile next time

Didn't Know This Was PossibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora