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Imodinjohansen: Farewell sis! Have a safe trip home @frig_joh

Frig_joh: I had a great time hanging out with you guys! Next time you are coming here to America! @imodinjohansen

Tomholland2013: You're coming back! Oh my chuck! I can't wait to see you again @frig_joh

Frig_joh: Have you actually started watching Supernatural and you still owe me dinner @tomholland2013

Imodinjohansen: Freyja is saying Knulle deg...... again @frig_joh

Tomholland2013: Yes I have and I know! @frig_joh

Imsebastianstan: since when does he owe you dinner?

Robertdowneyjr: ^^^

Anthonymackie: ^^^^

Chrishemsworth: ^^^^^

Emmawatson: ^^^^^^

Imodinjohansen: ^^^^^^^

Frey_joh: ^^^^^^^^

Frig_joh: since none of your business @imsebastianstan @robertdowneyjr @anthonymackie @chrishemsworth @emmawatson @imodinjohansen @frey_joh

Tomholland2013: BURN!!!

Jensenackles: calm down kid @tomholland2013

Frig_joh: You leave my King alone Jensen! @jensenackles

Tomholland2013: I'm 19, not a kid and thanks my Queen @jensenackles @frig_joh

Jensenackles: I came here to have a good time and now y'all attacking me. Are you demons or something? @tomholland2013 @frig_joh

Frig_joh: If we are demons that must make you Cain. @jensenackles

Jensenackles: low blow Frig @frig_joh

Imodinjohansen: use a private or group chat! Stop arguing and chatting on my posts! @tomholland2013 @frig_joh @jensenackles @frey_joh @anthonymackie @emmawatson @imsebastianstan @robertdowneyjr @chrishemsworth

Frig_joh: @chrishemsworth I just realised that your last name has worth in it....... That must mean you really are Thor.

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