

"Yo Pervy Uncle. Your part of the team too! Come on we need to learn formation!" Blaine calls over to me with much disrespect.

I roll my eyes to the snickering Science Captain, "Did you really have to give them personalities? Arya is going to become a cyborg like them in a few days anyways. What is the point of putting up this act?"

He holds up a chubby finger and waves it, "You know Arya's brain needs to be eased into it or it could causer serious damage. You don't want you beloved Arya becoming a vegetable, do you?"

I huff as I stand, "No but I am getting really tried of babysitting."

"Arya is getting better you know. She didn't seem in pain when the Straw Hats were mentioned or when she saw that rose clip, however look at her now." He flips his hand toward the group.

The group was laughing and smiling. Arya held Sandy small hand in hers and Zero rested his hand on Arya's shoulder.

"Her positive feelings still linger. Those and hatred are they hardest to get rid of. They are tied to the most powerful memories." Sentomaru picks up his battle ax for sparring, "That's why you need to be careful around her. She hates you a lot." He snickers as he says this. 

He pats my shoulder, "Don't worry so much we can turn off the other AL's personality if anything happens. Than we will only have to baby sit Arya until she is numb."

I scowl done with the whole lecture. I walk over to the group and catch Zero gaze as he smirks at me and pulls Arya closer by the waist. Arya seems clueless by the gesture but doesn't rebel against it either.

Arya claps her hand a couple time to gain everyone attention to review what was gonna happen today.

Zero leans over and whispers into my ear when the commotion starts to calm down, "How does it feel knowing that I can do whatever I want to her and she will scream bloody murder if you touch her uncle?"

I blew my top. I punched him straight in the jaw. His head just blew up into ice and reforms smirking.

"Micah!" Arya scolds, "We are family here. There is no reason to fight." She puts on her hand on Zero's cheek turning his face side to side, "You okay?"

He strokes her cheek, "Perfectly fine he must of just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He kisses her forehead watching me out of the corning or his eyes, "Don't worry I'll make sure it is worked out."

Blaine scoff, "Get a room you too". Misty seconds the motion.

Sandy puffs her cheeks, "Don't be mean! There the mom and the dad in this family. They should love each other."

Arya furrows her brow. A memory most likely stuck in the back of her brain. I watch as her lips ghost the word love as if trying to find they real meaning of the word.

A grunt comes up running huffing and puffing, "Pi. . . . . pirates. . . . off the.. . . . . .  the coast. . . . flag. . . .  Straw Hats. . . . . one hour. . . . .  here."

The timing could not be worse damn it!

"Sentomaru hit the off switch. Nothing can get in the way of this fight. They have to die." I fumed as a took in the news.

He already had the switch and flipped it. All of the ALs straightened up and stood at attention; Arya didn't seem to notice. Her transition taking over more and more of her brain every minute.

Her eyes were cold, vacant. "Everyone prepare yourselves. In an hour we meet on the coast."

Zero addresses the command with a mock salute, "What do you want us to do miss."

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