-"After Giselle couldn't succeed in whatever she'd tried to do the day she had you- you know.
I performed a few spells of my own. To banish her from coming to the house or going anywhere near you.
Realizing there's no way she was going to get to you without some help. She used your mother as a vessel."

-"wait a minute. So you mean to say that Giselle possessed Lynette or what? It doesn't make sense?"
My dad looked at Toby and sighed -"does he have to be here?" He asked looking at Toby. Despite myself I smiled . Yep. Toby was definitely a nutcase.

-"anyway. Yes. Giselle took hold of your mothers body as a way of finishing you off and not having to have anyone suspect anything .
But of course I did. See, Lynette has no magical powers whatsoever, so when she started doing magic things.
I knew something was off.
Giselle wasn't careful. Or maybe she wasn't aware that Lynette was an actual magic free human, but that was her big mistake.

And when she had Michael come stay with us, and I saw them both do dark magic in your room. I snapped. Of course I had to protect you. So you know. I.. Well I, stopped Michael-"
-"you mean killed him," we all looked at Toby. Really?
-"does he really really have to be here?" Chris asked again. More irritated than anything. That's Toby alright, first comes the annoyance, then irritation and before you know it, boom! You just love to love him.
-"sorry." Toby murmured.
-"anyway. Yes I killed him. It was my child they were trying to kill what was I meant to do!?"

"But then why didn't you kill Giselle, Lynette - I dunno."
-"well I couldn't. And I think Giselle knew that. Because the vessel was Lynette I couldn't do anything. I could only bind her till I performed a proper dismissing ritual.
Killing Giselle then would've meant killing Lynette.
And I.. She's. I love her. I couldn't kill my wife.
But she was very weak. And I was worried that Giselle was going to come and try something again so I .. I had to move Ley. Us. Far from Cumberland.
I found a safe place for her-"

-"um you mean a cabin- ow dude what the hell?"
-"sush it!" Liza had thrown a pillow at Toby and though I know it didn't hurt, Toby just wanted to be an annoyance.
-"yes. Cabin. What's your name again?" My dad was really annoyed now. But also quite amused.
-"Tobias. His name is Tobias." Ellis answered before Toby could say anything. To say Toby was annoyed wouldn't do him justice. Boy if looks could kill. Wouldn't make any difference but still. You get the point.

-"right. So then. I moved us here. To Vancouver in hopes that we'd get away from Giselle.

But your visions were going to be a problem. They're like a gate you see. They attract supernaturals. Supernatural beings are attracted to other supernatural beings. So then having your visions would mean that Giselle would eventually find us. You.

And I thought the only solution to that would be to block them. But you got them back and now.."

Dread filled my veins as I realized what he had said. By regaining my visions I inevitably invited Giselle back into my life. Oh my goodness.
What have I done?
I felt a hand touch mine and I looked over at Ellis. He had a frown and his mouth was a bit pouty, showing off a dimple. The same dread was probably in his - never mind. I laughed quietly at that thought. He had no pulse. Therefore no veins. Therefore no blood.

-"you know. Only you would smile or laugh in a situation like this Aurora Grace." I looked up at him to find his worried deep grey eyes looking back at mine. Grey eyes?
-"look. I am really really sorry we've endangered your life, I swear if we knew. We wouldn't have done any of this.

"No. No. It's good that she knows. Well not good actually but we need these visions in order for you to be free.
And although I know Giselle would be coming for me. Us. There's no other way I would've wanted this to end."

The Ghost KeeperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang