Chapter 5B

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While the weirdos were explaining to me how they knew so much about my life, I was having an internal battle about whether or not to eat food from the cafeteria, I mean all this time I was eating food cooked by someone who's been dead for decades, but man the lasagna was good.
I shrugged and laughed at this. 'Why am I thinking about dead's people food-'

-"Aurora Grace, what's funny?" Ellis sounded annoyed. Are you kidding me? They blatantly lied to my face this whole time and he's acting like it's nothing?
I ignored his cold stare and refocused on Toby, I liked him better anyway. Everyone liked Toby better than Ellis, and it really wasn't hard to see why.

"Can you guys please just explain how you know about me or my family."
They were beating about the bush, I hate when people do that.
-"well Tobias had already explained that but you just laughed because obviously your fantasies were more exciting."
My goodness if looks could kill...
-"as i'd said before, we only have minimum knowledge based on what we've seen through out the years. After you lost your visions we pretty much almost lost all contact with you."
"Okay, and what's my dad got to do with this? You still haven't explained why you and Ellis Hans were stalking me."
I heard someone inwardly groan and I knew it was Ellis
-"okay Aurora Grace, when did we get to calling each other on full names bases?"
"Really? You're the one chastising me about using full names? Really Ellis Hans?"
Ellis ran his hand through his now brown hair and sighed, I smiled at his defeat. Annoying him was so much fun

-"annnnywaaay" Toby dragged out the word and I rolled my eyes
-"to answer your question, when we went to your house we discovered that it was bound with incense which you might know, is very dangerous to visionaries as it makes you lose your psychic powers.
We were not sure what to make of it first but then.."
Toby was getting restless and fidgety and I knew what he was going to say next was either gonna make me punch him in the face, or leave this god forsaken place or all of the above really, if i'm lucky.

-"Aurora, your dad is the only person who knows about this town, and he is the one that's being using incense to block off your powers.
Please, before you punch me in the face or get up to leave. Or both, hear us out."
Creepy. But I wanted to hear this, and for their sakes I really hoped what they were gonna tell me next would make more sense that this nonsense cause I was ready to have someone slapped hard across the face
To make such accusations? About my dad even. That takes some nerves.
-"Aurora Grace your dad was the one who abducted your mom. She didn't just up and leave. Your mother must've found out he was the one responsible for the loss of your visions and she conjured up spells of her own with her brother, which resulted in him killing your uncle and abducting your mother."
I knew my dad. He'd never do that to me, this was just some cheap scheme from these three to try and make me doubt my dad, whatever they wanted, they were not going to get from me.
-"Aurora please, think about how you feel in that house, it makes you weak every time" this time it was Toby that was trying to convince me, Elizabeth was oddly quiet, probably feeling guilty but who cares.
-"doesn't your dad always ask about your visions, and have you ever wondered why you were never allowed to bring anyone over?
Look Aurora all we're asking is that you think about it, if your dad is working for Gisselle then we're all gonna need each other, but you need to trust us first."
Was he listening to himself right now? This boy, no in fact all man, was trying to convince me the man who ha raised me my whole life was the one who was hurting me.
Giselle.. The thought of Gisselle brought shivers to my spine.
I wanted to believe in my dad with all my heart, but his behavior, oh my goodness.
"You don't know what you're talking about Toby, my dad would never hurt me, he is the one that rescued me from Giselle!
I won't let you guys bad mouth him or try and turn me against him okay? He is all I have. And you lot know nothing about Giselle either! Nothing!"
I didn't care that I was yelling. Really at this point all I wanted to do was to get home, pack my bags, wait for my dad and get the hell out of this place.
To say I raced out of Vancouver Beacon would be an understatement.
"If you didn't see it, it never happened" I relayed the words over and over in my head. It's the same words my dad would tell me after I started losing visions. They were almost like a mantra now.
Walking the streets of Vancouver I noticed the things I noticed before. The stillness of the town, it's filtered colors, at first I had thought nothing about it, but now that I knew. It seemed really creepy. I was the living amongst the ghost, like really. Of all the places my dad could've dragged me to, he chose a ghost town.
'Well done dad.'
I sighed as I saw my front lawn, I was finally home. Man I needed a car. This ten minute walk from school was a killer.

I noticed my dad's car in the front yard. Weird.
He was just early from work. Nothing weird about that. It happens all the time.
My dad is a good man, he'll meet hurt me, i'm his little baby. I'd never let anyone take that away from me. My dad's love. My mom had already confiscated hers. My dads was the only love I had left, and no one was to tell me otherwise.
I unlocked the doors quietly, the goal here is to sneak in without getting caught, how will I explain being home early?

-"no, no I am telling you she doesn't know anything."
-"and as long as she doesn't know she'll remain safe. And I hope she stays away from people around here, for her sake. Or she'll wish she hadn't set foot in Vancouver Beacon."
My dad was on the phone with someone, talking about me. Logic was telling me to run away, but I needed to know who he was talking to and what he was hiding from me. This phone call is probably just him ensuring i'm safe. Yes, that must be it. I was about to walk up to my dad and ask me when he said the words that shook me to the core. He's confirmed to probably who I assume was Giselle that he'd come home early to bind the house and "cleanse" it.
I backtracked ever so slowly to the door. I needed to find Toby, Liza and Ellis.

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