Waking up

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Louis' POV

*BEEEPPPPP BEEEPPPPP BEEEPPPPP* I opened my eyes to find that the beeping wasn't Harry's annoying cat alarm clock, but only a heart monitor. I gasped as the series of events came back to me in a blur. I looked inside my shirt to see a small scar on my chest where my heart is. Then a doctor rushed in and said I was released but my twin wasn't. I immediatly jumped up ripped the IV out and ran to the front desk to find out where Roxy was. She told me level 2 room 305 I ran there as fast as I could. I rushed into the room to find Roxy sleeping. I went over to the bed and shook her arm to get her awake. There was no response. I started bawling. I looked over to her health chart to see that she was in a coma. I looked around the room to see how plain it was compared to my room. The boys and my family had brought me flowers, teddy bears, and cards. When in here there was the measly flowers the hospital puts in your room to cheer you up when you wake up. I got infuriated immediatly. I grabbed Roxy's hand and rubbed it. In the process I noticed the word Worthless tatooed in very small print on her finger, then I looked at her wrists to see slits everywhere on them. I could barely make out the words B*tch, and Wh*re slashed on them. She was bullied. That is what the bruises were from. I though she was just clumsy like me. I ran back to my room and grabbed all the stuff I could find that didn't say Louis on it and brought it to her room. I sighed in relief. She would feel loved when she woke up. Now was the time to camp out in her room so I could be the first to see her when she woke up.

*2 weeks later*

Harry's POV

Lou will not come out of Roxy's room no matter what. He was also mad at us for not bringing Roxy any presents. So he wouldn't talk to us either. We even tried bribing him with carrots. All he did was throw them at us then shut the door on our faces. I have never seen boobear give up eating a carrot for any reason. Like any reason WHATSOEVER! I am really worried about him. They say Roxy probably won't wake up for a while. We are going back on tour soon. Louis needs to wake up and smell the roses and realize Roxy will not wake up soon and that he has to get back to his JOB, ya know pleasing little girls 6-20 by singing!

*A year later*

Liam's POV

It has been a year and we went on tour and constantly Louis was going back to London to see Roxy. They say they will have to take her off life support soon if she doesn't wake up. No one has told Louis but he is going to find out today. I hope he doesn't freak out. Louis has made it his job to supply her room with lots of presents for when she wakes up. Including a puppy...... I want that dog so bad. Louis has kept it at his house for a month now, taking care of it for when Roxy wakes up. Right now the dog is jumping around in it's cage squealing. Somehow it knows that Roxy is her "Mom" and that she is hurt. It gets so excited every time we come. Louis takes it with him every time he goes just in case Roxy wakes up. We walked into the room to see the bed empty. Louis started freaking out. Then Roxy strolls out of the bathroom like nothing happened. We all gasp and look at her in shock. She looks at us like we are crazy and says "Guy's what's wrong? I've only been in the hospital for like, two days look at the date." We all snap our heads towards the calendar. She is right, it is two days after the accident. "Two days and a YEAR!"I say " WHATTTTTT?" Roxy screeches. "I've been in a coma for a year?" She started hyperventilating. She looked really pale and started sweating. "Dont' pass out on me now sister!" Louis screams and throws a cup of water in her face. Most of it gets on her shirt and you can see her neon blue bra through the shirt now. Harry looks at her in a perverted way and she shrieks and then runs away into the bathroom. I laugh and she comes back out, still in the wet shirt. "So you think this is funny, huh Liam?" she sneers at me. I stop laughing, if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under right now! "No!" I barely manage to squeak out. She giggles. "It's fine Liam, calm yo titties!" We all burst out laughing and finaly after we all calm down. She spots the dog. "OMG who is this little cutie?" she squeals. She sticks her hand through the cage and Rose licks her hand. Niall takes a picture and the dog barks. Roxy giggles. "Roxy, when you were in a coma, I got you Rose to keep you company. Look at the charm on her collar." Louis says. "To Roxy: With all my love, I'm sorry for missing some of the most important times in your life, I love you. ~Louis" she reads out loud. Tears well up in her eyes. She jumps on Louis and hugs him tightly. "All my life, I've been waiting to hear those 3 words come out of your mouth." she says. Louis kisses her head. "I will always be here from now on. No more hiding." he says. Roxy lets out a sob. "Come on Rox, let it all out." he says soothingly and rubs her back. Soon she is full on sobbing into his shirt. "I love you so much Louis!" she says. We all join in the hug. Rose is in between all of us, licking Roxy's feet. I hope this newfound relationship between Roxy and Louis lasts, because if she is gonna come on tour with us, it needs to.

AN: HOLY MOTHER-f-ing shitaki mushrooms. How did this book get so many reads???? I'm actually crying right now! Thank you guys so so much!!! I'm sorry that I haven't updated anything in so long, I've been focusing on school-work. And I tried out for Suessical the musical!!! Hope I get Jojo!!!! Wish me luck!!! Any prompts for my age-play book? I have most of the prompts almost done!!!

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