Chapter 10: The Dragon's Coming

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Bilbo POV

I reach into my pocket and pull out the Ring. I look at it, then look up at Smaug. I put the Ring on, Smaug raises his head and sniffs the air.

"Well, thief, I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Where are you?" Smaug says.

He moves his head back and forth around where I am. I have to duck down to avoid being knocked over.

I am starting to panic and run down the mountain of treasure. Even though I am invisible, Smaug can tell where I am going because of the coins I am dislodging with my feet while running. I hide behind a stone.

"Come now, don't be shy. Step into the light. Mmm, there is something about you, something you carry. Something made of gold, but far more...PRECIOUSSSSS." Smaug hisses to me and I start to feel dizzy. A flaming eye bursts into my vision, and I yank the Ring off, feeling confused and scared. "There you are, thief in the shadows."

"I did not come to steal from you, O Smaug the Unassessably Wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence, to see if you really were as great as the old tales say. I did not believe them." I say, terrified.

Smaug walks a little away so his entire body is now visible to me. He is a massive dragon with two back legs, two massive, bat-like wings with claws, and both his neck and tail are incredibly long. His head alone is huge.

"And, do you you now?!" Smaug questions.

I reply, "Truly, the tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity, O Smaug the Stupendous."

"Do you think flattery will keep you alive?" He asks.

"No- no, no." I stutter.

"No, indeed. You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you, and where do you come from, may I ask?"

Smaug moves his head closer to me. I open my mouth to speak but then I see something off to the side. It is the Arkenstone. A white gem glowing with an unnatural light, buried under one layer of coins.

"I- I come from under the hill."


I nod, and sneak a peek at the Arkenstone. It is not too far away from me.

"And under hills and over hills my path has led. And, and, through the air. I am he who walks unseen."

"Impressive. What else do you claim to be?" Smaug asks as he moves his head very close to my face.

I can see his teeth and he exhales. I grimace at his breath, whipping my hand back and forth in front of my face.

"I am...luck-wearer. Riddle-maker." I continue.

"Lovely titles. Go on."


This catches his attention. "Barrels? Now that is interesting. And what about your little Dwarf friends? Where are they hiding?"

"Dw- Dwarves? No, no, no dwarves here. You've got that all wrong." I tell him, pretending I don't know what he's talking about.

"Oh, I don't think so, Barrel-rider. They sent you in here to do their dirty work while they skulk about outside."

"Truly, you are mistaken, O Smaug, Chiefest and Greatest of calamities." I say.

"You have nice manners...for a thief and a liar! I know the smell and taste of Dwarf. No one better. It is the gold! They are drawn to treasure like flies to dead flesh."

The Dragon (Book Five in the Aerlinniel's Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now