8. Suprise !!

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****Jakes P.O.V.****

Devon has been confusing the hell out of me.. One second he's anti-gay and the next he's on his knees pleasuring me?! Ugh forget it... I need to concentrate on my test anyways! Okay name: Jake Walker
Day: Wednesday

Oh god that reminds me.. All day people keep shouting hump dayyyy!! I shiver every time because Devon always looks at me and licks his lips. Mmmm those soft yet hard, moist, very talented lips! 'Ahh shit' I think when I look down and see my pants getting tighter and tighter.

Fuck this id rather be a unicorn they ain't got no worries they ain't got no worries ! I Christmas tree my test, and take it to the teachers desk only to turn bright pink when I see Devon's eyes glancing down at the bulge in my pants, when his eyes finally get back to mine he mouths 'thinking about me?' Before letting a smirk take over those perfect lips of his. The rest of the day goes pretty much like that...and it's been super hard cause my one and only friend Brittany has been sick!! Little bitch I bet she's doing it on purpose!! Just to torture me?! Ughh! Then came 8th period...duh duhh DUHHHHH !!

We were watching some stupid biology movie that were having a text on but I didn't pay any tension to it till I heard the door open. I lazily looked up just too see one person walk through the door. That one person held so many memories ....love...lust...happiness...sadness. He was my first crush, my first boyfriend, first kiss, hell he is why I found out I was gay in the first place! Then when I truly thought I loved him.. He was gone. His family moved and he moved with them...not even a goodbye till later on that year called me saying he was sorry and that he'll make it up. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher exclaimed.
"Class meet the new student..Jacob Gainer" as soon as are eyes connected I bolted out of my seat and jumped in his arms "JACOBBBB!!!" I yelled in excitement "JAKEYYY," he chuckled "I've missed you!!" "What are you doing here!?" I mumbled slightly shocked. "I told you I'd make it up to you so...SURPRISE!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cliff hanger !!
So team #jake&jacob or #devon&jake hmmm I wonder how Devon is feeling about this mystery guy?!


Bound to him.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora