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"That's bullshit hiring me a fucking bodyguard!" I said to my father.

"Watch your words young man! I'm doing this to keep you safe." As the father well replied in a calm tone.

Geez! They gotta be kidding me hiring a bodyguard for what just to keep me safe. Fine I let them do that beside I have a plan smirks.

"Fine therefore I will hire my own bodyguard!" I said in my cold voice.. Its easy to hired bodyguard who would protect me. Besides I have tons of money to hire a fake one simple as that.

As soon I left my parent's house I called my best friend Blake "hey men I need your help."

Blake ask "Sure anytime What yah need?"

I said in my devilish tone "Find me a bodyguard much as possible easy to understand my rules." Then with that I ended the call.

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My Lady BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now