You Left Me, I Left You

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Charlie's POV:

I was at home with all the kids. The new home. With furs kids. Actually it didn't seem to be as hard as I took it. Ross and River were 13 so they we're really a big weigh on my shoulder but the little boy Riley is every time more annoying. It's just Ross and Riley are getting in fights because Riley is started to make his own personality and he is doing whatever Ross does. That annoys Ross so he starts a fight with him. It's like this every day. River and Roxy are 24 hours playing games. Just Ross is the only kid that who knows the truth about where his father is. Ok, so let me tell you, it has been like four months? Yes. After a week of Ross leaving me I came from work. I am in a band remember? Well, I came and saw all the kids in the living room. Rossy said that his 'dad' came and bough Roxy and River. I wasn't happy at all with what Ross did but I stopped crying after some days. Who I am kidding after some months! I didin't hear anything of the Lynch for like... since the day that Ross left me. I came a few time at their house and I lied saying that Ross left for tour I don't really want anybody to get involved. Riker knows but he kinda losted contact after getting a role in a movie. I saw R5 and all of them on TV like everyday. Let's just say 1D are nothing but as famous as R5. Maybe R5 are more famous. I don't really know. I kinda lost contact with Ross' family since three months ago. They're doing a world tour. Their second world tour. Me and my band toured a few times too but also with all the kids carrying the together. As I said I sdidn't tell them about my problems. And because most of my family are 'married or dating' the Lynches, so I saw them a few times. Just to be honest I kinda got over the 'Ross' thing but every time his name was spoken I cried. So, let me tell you today's 16 of February. That's the anniversary of Ross and River. That's the first day they ever spoke their first words. It may be a stupid thing but let me tell you that we celebrate that day like every year. It was sacred for us. Maybe this would be the first year that Ross isn't coming. And it hurts me. But it hurts Rossy more. He have been crying all the day in his room alone. He didn't get over it yet. He was still a kid. How you want him to get over this situation? It was too much for him. Ross kinda turned Gothic. He doens't wear something... like. Bright. He always wear something dark besides those black marks all around his little poor puffy red eyes. He didn't sleep unless I sang for him and he crying himself to sleep. He was a mess. It hurts me a lot to see him like this. Now he is more hurt than before to know that his dad broke the only hope between them to come but he didn't. I was with all the kids in the living room watching old cartoons. They were all sleeping. even Ross. I was almost falling asleep when I heard the door bell ring. I ran to it wondering who it would be. I didn't invite anyone. I didn't order anything. I opened the door and I almost fainted to see who's at my door. That tall and handsome man that I loved. Yes, loved. Actually I hate him already ''Ross?''

I'll give You My Heart (sequel to Did you Just Steal My Heart?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora