Ok, I thought I looked good. Natasha looked like she belonged in a strip club. An upscale strip club. She looked like a stripper whose real name Drake would love to find out. A stripper that Drake would dedicate a song too. 

I gulped.

I looked like mud next to Natasha.

She gleamed at me though. She hugged me and looked at me up and down, her smile on getting bigger and bigger.

‘’You look so nice!’’ I thanked her and return the compliments, wiping up my drool as I did. Natasha was actually such a beautiful girl. She had had her hair re-done. Unlike me, Natasha wore weave. It usually touched her bum, but she had her hair in a nice ombre bob. It was a nice change. She looked more mature.

Also, unlike me, Natasha was in sky high heels. I put my converses, she gave me a look but she decided not to say anything. All she said was that she was shocked I had gotten into a dress in the first place.


What I hated most about my generation, was that the same girl that would look you dead in the eye as you walked past, would give you the dirtiest look when you looked back at them. The same one who stared at you waiting for you to look at them, would act shocked that you had the audacity to return eye contact.

Natasha and I shuffled through he crowd. Well, I shuffled though. People made a natural opening for her as she walked past, the boys tongues hit the floor and rolled creating a pink carpet for her. They didn’t realise I was with her, so the opening would close as soon as she walked past. So whilst she graced easily, I constantly had to say excuse me every two seconds and meet the glare of girls.

I finally caught up to Natasha at the back of the party. Ellie’s house was so big. She picked up a drink and handed me one. I scoffed and put it right back down. I took out the bottle of water I had bought, opened it and drank it.

I wasn’t even against drinking, but I don’t know what’s in that cup for me to sip it. Imagine if there was a physco watching in the corner waiting for me to drink that and be knocked out. Not me my friend, I will not be on crime watch.

Ellie was right, they were playing pure hip-hop. I hated heard one of those annoying euro electro-pop songs. Natasha had been complaining for the past hour, not one song had come up that she could grind on someone with.

I, on the other hand, was happy.

When classic Jay-Z came on I started rapping and swaying with some strangers. Music really did release my inhibitions. If every party was like this I would become a party animal soon. There was a group of girls that had introduced themselves to me and Natasha. They seemed like the people I would get along with. They weren’t wearing heels like the other girls (who had clearly came OVER dressed) and were just enjoying the music and the people. They weren’t standing like mannequins trying to get the boys attention. As soon as they told me their names I forgot, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that they were Kanye stands like me! When Gold digger came on, they knew every word (like me) and did the little dance that they do in the video (like me). And when Theraflu came on, (like me) they coughed to the beat at the end.

I was having a really good time, laughing, sipping on my water that was until, Richard turned up.

Just like when Natasha had walked in, girls tongues rolled out their mouths and onto the floor creating a pink carpet for him and the group of boys he came with.

Was there a fan in here? Richard and all his friends seemed to just have a natural fan, they walked in slow motion too, or maybe that was just me in awe of beauty. Every single one of them, every single one, was beautiful.  Girls that had been standing there blew off the dust and stood tall, ready to receive the disciples that had just walked in.

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