Chapter 2

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I also have two sisters so numbered by birth again,1's older than me and 2s younger.

I've been accused of trying to drown brother 2, 3 and sister 2 at the river at different times. I never tried to 'drown' them I simply tried to get them to swim by pulling them in to the middle of the river and swimming away...

I was also accused of trying to drown and break brother 1's legs. Ok story time!He was leaving the state,so mom thought it would be a good idea to go to the river and have a going away party. He was being an

idiot  jumping off stuff (he was like 17 I was like 9) Anyway right before we left he was going to jump one more time. He sends me down to see if I can stand in this one spot. I'm tired but do it anyway. Then the current was strong and the rocks were slippery my feet slipped out from under me. So I told him I couldn't touch the ground.I could, it was like three foot of water. I remember thinking he might get hurt, then deciding he deserved it. So I moved he jumped. He didn't get hurt.:( When my mom asked why I did it I said I really couldn't touch the ground. I've told her now. So I didn't try to break his legs I just tried to hurt him.

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