Android 17 x Reader

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Ok so I was planning on having this fanfic oneshot (whatever you wanna call it) follow the DBZ timeline and the sagas, but screw it. This is my story, I'm the writer, and you are my fans. It is my job to give you your little dreams and have you be with you boyfriends. So request all you want. This was a request! ENJOY!!!!
You sped across the sky. You could feel only Krillin's weak (what's new, am I right? Haha don't kill me) power level and 3 dangerous ones. Something wasn't right.
"Where are the other?! Shouldn't they be with Krillin. The androids are there for cryin' out loud!" Yep. Something was DEFINITELY wrong.
Suddenly, the androids' power levels hit through you as if it were a terrible headache. You curl up a little and grab you head.
"Geez! How strong are these guys?" You had been lacking in your training a little, but not too much. When you look up. You see someone with ocean blue eyes and jet black hair. He was sneering at you.
"Aww... Does your head hurt?~ I'm so sorry." He said. His sarcasm almost made you head feel worse. Still, he wasn't the worse (Vegeta...).
"Aggghhhhrrrr...." The two others flew up besides him. They were wearing the same 'smiles' he was.
"What's your name?" 18 asked. Her time was sickening.
"(Y/... Y/n) (Princess/Prince) (Y/n)."
"Oooh! A princess! How lovely..."
"What have you done? What have you done to them?"
"To who?" 17 put on a fake smile.
"Oh don't play dumb. You're an android, after all. I'm talking about the other fighters. The other Z-Fighters."
"Mmm... Them. They're probably dead. If not, then barely breathing. We dealt with them." With that, he and 18 began to laugh. 16 just stared at you.
"Oh god..." Your eyes began to burn as tears formed in the edges.
"Don't cry, honey. At least we aren't going to hurt you." 17 flew up so that his face was close to yours. "If you hurry, you might get to hear their goodbyes." You bolted back and away from them towards Krillin's power level.
"This one is different. (She/he) isn't like the others. Something about (her/his) ki. I like it." The androids watch you fly off.
Sorry if its crappy and short, but I'm tired and I like this. I at least hope you enjoyed. Comment and request if you want me to write a reader x your DBZ boyfriend. I hope to have others out soon. I might also do... Lemons... If you want me to! Just say the word and I will have your story out soon!! Love you!

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