chapter 4

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The voice that i have feared hearing each and everytime i close my eyes.

"About time you answer"

I stood there mute.Not saying anything at all, Scared of what i was hearing outside my dreams. No it can't be, he can't be real. i could feel mt throat closing up and my eyes start to sting tear(can't remember if that is spelt right) up. I really can't start hyperventilating in the hallway.

"I know your there Whitney, you can't hide from me, i will always know where you are. I look forward to our meeting... soon" The last word was whispered "make sure you don't forget young Matthew and Madouc, it would be a shame if something were to happen to them. like your parents"

Then i heard the dial tone. Oh no, please not Matthew and Madouc. I didn't hear Tyler come up behind me. When he touched my shoulder , i practically screamed.

"Whitney!" Tyler said loudly. I looked at him blankly. " It's just me, what happened?"

"I-i-i d-don't k-know" i stuttered because my voice still wouldn't work.

"We better get to class, unless you would like me to take you to the school nurse" i shook my head.

"No lets go, we have music right?" he slowly nodded. "Okay lets go then" i said with fake cheerfulness.

                                    *After School*

Walking over to the primary school to pick up Matthew and Madouc. I thought about all the stuff that had happened that day.

"Mat,Madouc!!!" i yelled over the sounds of the squealing and screaming primary schoolers.They ran over.

"Hey guys how was school?"i asked making small talk while we walked to the bus.

Madoucs eyes suddenly lit up."It was great, we got a new girl in our class and i got to show her around" She sounded so happy and excited. It's the first time in months that Madouc has said more than one syllable words since our parents disappeared.

"No-one made fun of you? were the kids nice?"i asked worried. Little Madouc was like my baby.

"No, for once no one made fun of me" She smiled so angelically i thought the gods would take her from me. Madouc had found school hard since our parents.She was made fun of because she was quiet , smart and loved plants.

" That's good, how about you Mat?" Mat was alot stronger than Madouc but he also had found school hard but he found life harder.He was my soldier. He was the one i could rely on to take care of Madouc if something were to happen. And i had a strong feeling something bad was going to happen.

"Well i got a new kid aswell and i haad to show her around also" he sounded so bored.

"Do you like her?"

"She is alright but she hangs with the more popular kids, so we just talk in class" he looked up at me tiredly. "Can we just go back to aunt doreens please" Why did he look so uneasy?

"Sure Mat, Lets go"

Hours went by and still all i could think about was that bloody phone call.


Crash. Bam

what? as i walked downstairs all i could see was the state the kitchen was in. Oh man Doreen was going to blow if she saw this.

"Madouc!, Mat! get down here and clean your mess!" i screamed upstairs.I got no reply. "Mat! Madouc!" why are they not answering, they always do. "Aunt Doreen?!"

ring ring ring.... ring ring ring

What the hell , Doreen unplugs the home phone at 6.00 how can it be ringing. i looked at it. it was still unplugged. i reluctantly picked it up.

"Oh good you answered" The voice said, in his dark menacing voice. That could make a grown man sh*t their pants.

"Yeh it is my home phone. Where is Mat? where is Madouc? and where is aunt Doreen?!" i was going histerical.

"All in good time, now i want you to go upstairs and pack" anwered the voice.

"uhh... Why should I? Who are you?"

The voice sighed impatiently " the less you know the better, just pack.I will call you back in 10 minutes, if your not done, you might just lose one". *dial tone*

I ran up stairs and started packing. While i was doing that i was wondering about what he meant by i will lose one. Once i was done the phone rang. Making me jump.I ran downstairs and answered.

"Good your done, now go to your mailbox and wait" *dial tone*

I walked to my mailbox. When suddenly there was darkness.

If only i knewOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz