Chapter 2: Katelyn

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*Time lapse of 6 years*

-Written by kk_love_books

*Katelyn's POV*

My little girl had grown up before my eyes. My Amber was officially a teenager today.

It seemed like just last week I was singing her to sleep and reading Winnie the Pooh to her. And it seemed just yesterday that I was chasing her through the house and playing hide and seek with her.

My little girl was growing up. It was very... surreal. But I knew that no matter how many centuries go by, she'd always be my baby.

"Alright! Cake or presents first?" I asked, clasping my hands together excitedly.

Her beautiful hazel eyes lit up. She smiled and told me, "Presents! Duh!"

"I can make that happen. But, I have to warn you. It's more like one big present, rather than a few little ones," my hands ran through my hair.

Look at me, the literal spawn of the Devil, nervous because of a present. How silly. She should be the nervous one. I was giving her something that would come with a lot of questions and a lot of responsibility.

When she laughed her voice filled not only the room, but any empty space in my heart. Gosh, how could I not love my baby girl to the end of earth and beyond.

"It's okay Mom. I'll love whatever you get me, I always do," a smile took over her face.

I shook my head at her. She was half demon and half devil, yet she acted like an angel 99% of the time. Astounding.

I grabbed the velvet box from where I had been keeping it in my room.

I gave it to her and smiled nervously. Questions began to invade my mind.

She opened the box slowly. Once she saw the garnet amulet, her birth stone with a real silver chain, her jaw literally dropped. Her eyes went wide and she looked up at me in shock.

"Do you like it?" I whispered hopefully.

She started to tear up and put it down on the table carefully. My heart sank, until she wrapped me in a bone crushing hug.

"I love it! Thank you so Mom! I don't have the words to tell you how much I love it!" She screeched.

I sighed in relief. She loved it.

Once she was done I pulled back and asked her, "Want me to put it on?"

She nodded eagerly.

My hands gingerly took it out of it's case and placed it around her chest.

Then I turned her around so I could see it properly. My hands instantly flew up to my mouth as a few tears of my own began to form. It may seem like a small thing, but my baby girl just looked so beautiful and grown up.

I waved my hand at my face in an attempt to not cry. I took a few deep breaths and forced myself to not cry.

"So... Cake?" I guessed.

"Cake." She agreed grinning.

I lit all 13 candles and sang to her Happy Birthday, all the while smiling like a cherisher cat. She blew out the candles in one big breath after closing her eyes for a few seconds.

"What'd you wish for?" I teased, thinking she wouldn't tell me. I raised her to be a dreamer and she wouldn't dare betray a dream.

She glanced up at me through and admitted, "To know who the man in the photograph is."

My mouth dried up as I lost my ability to speak. Meanwhile my heart sped up to a hundred beats per second.

"Momma?" She asked softly once more.

Damn it. She didn't give up on the one dream I so desperately wanted her to. Her curiosity had been him for years, and I knew I had to tell her.

So I did. I told her almost everything.

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