don't let up.

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Of course I was still high, but that knocked a little sense into my head. But just barely. My breathing began to speed up. This was something I was trying to avoid.

"If you don't open the door, we have a Right to kick it down." We needed to get out of here quick. Drew was definitely panicking. Her breathing was heavy and her face was glistening. I couldn't tell if tears were escaping her eyes, or she was just sweating. Honestly, all that ran through my mind was getting us out the hell of here.

"Drew we're going to leave out the back. Since our car is back there." Then I thought that wouldn't be such a bright idea, but that's all I have. I did think about hopping over the gate, but how would Drew do that. How'd they find out that we were there anyway? Was also one of my many curious questions. The backyard was completely pitch black, so I came to the conclusion that they didn't have the house surrounded. We began leaving out the back when I started hearing the door being kicked down. We left everything there. From clothes to shoes, mattress, and televisions. It's not like we had a lot anyway, but it was a little something to slow us down. Now where are we going to sleep? The last place I want to go to is my grandma's. Drew and I hurried to the car. I started it up seeing that I was yet facing another dilemma. My fucking gas tank was super close to being on E. I sighed in frustration, but sped off into the road and down the street. "This is crazy babe. Where the hell are we going to sleep now?" Her eyes began to water, and I could tell she was at her breaking point.

"Pen... I don't know. I'm j-j-just so fucking tired. I'm stressed, and I'm done pretending I'm okay. We can't live like t-t-this. Our baby can't live like this. I'm just so tired." Drew told me speaking from the heart. She was at her breaking point, and so was I. I pulled into the Speedway's gas station getting out as soon as I parked. I told the cashier I needed 5 dollars on pump 4. Since that's all I had. Pay day wasn't til Friday and it's only Wednesday. I pumped the gas before driving off to our next destination. Drew was knocked out after her consistent crying for about 10 minutes. I could still see her tears coming out of her closed eye lids. Drew rarely cried, but when she did it was no stopping it. She's very sensitive, but when it's some real shit, that she can't handle on her own she just breaks down and let her tears do the talking. Sometimes I enjoyed when she cried because she lets out all her feelings she tries to hide from me. Which is childish as hell, but I grew accustomed to it. I can't say I'm not working on it. We've made little progress, but I'm okay with that as long as we're growing together. I pulled into an empty playground parking lot to rest my eyes as well.

"God, please save her for me..." I whispered before falling into a deep slumber.


June 11, 2016

We've been in "the clear" for a couple days now. I've been trying to find a place for us to stay. Of course I failed miserably. Basically my car was our home. Drew went to work with me on Thursday and Friday. The guys had planned to get high on pay day, but I had to rain check because of Drew.

"Baby, wake up." It was around noon when I finally forced Drew to wake up. I know from health class that when a women is pregnant, she sleeps a lot. It's probably not a good idea to wake her, but right now I really don't care.

"Whyyyyy..." She replied back dragging out the Y.

"Because it's noon and the day is almost over. I can't have you sleeping through the day." In reply to my small speech I heard a snore. "I guess you're not hungry then." I laughed slightly at how quick she woke up as I turned the car on and reversed out of the playground parking lot. I pulled up to McDonald's considering its both of our favorites. My check for this week was pretty fat, so Drew could get as much as she wants.

"How may I help you?"

"Umm can I have two sausage biscuit sandwich- never mind make that three and 4 hash browns and 2 cups of orange juice." Drew said through the window.

"Is that all?"

"No can you add two more sausage biscuit sandwiches on the order and add another orange juice please. Oh and can you put a lot of jelly in the bag." I said finished up our order.

"Okay your total will be $13.47." I pulled off to the window to pay and get our food. Soon as the lady handed the bag over. Drew did some superwoman shit and grabbed the bag taking out all her food while I grabbed the drinks.

"Thank you baby. This is heaven." Drew loved McDonald's breakfast. During our drive, I decided to stop at my grandma's house. I forgave her for her outburst not to long ago, so I decided to see her. I wasn't going to give in to staying with her again considering that I have a amazing feeling that Drew and I would be alright.

My views or listens have been sky rocketing on Soundcloud. My hopes have been high about getting an email or some type of mail soon.

Filler chapter ?
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~ Mine is Kyrie Irving 😍. He is daddy asf.

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