Chapter 1

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The first day at their new school had arrived. Louis had a hard time with dress codes at his new school due to his... appearance. The demonic boy was covered in tattoos. Although, unknowingly to the naive humans, he had the power to make his tattoos disappear and reappear whenever he felt like it. Louis had many demonic powers he gained from being Azazel, son of Lucifer.

After getting out of the school’s head office with Liam, following a heated ‘discussion’ with the headmaster over tattoos, the boys headed out to find their lockers in the vast hallways of the school.

“Ok Lou I’ve got number 239 so I should be over in the east wing of the school.” Liam explained as Louis fiddled with the zipper on his jacket.

“Yeah ok, I’ve got 378 so I should be...” Louis trailed off as he ran his hand down the walls of lockers until he stopped on one.

“Right here.” He finished.

“Ok, I’ll just go find mine, then meet you in homeroom ok?” Liam said sternly.

“Yes Liam. No need to go all Uriel on me. I’m not 12.” Louis snapped at the angel.

“Shut up, do not say our real names down here.” Liam warned then walked away leaving Louis to roll his eyes and focus on putting books away.

Louis heard a loud smack followed by dropping of books over to his left and was greeted by the sight of the most handsome, utterly beautiful human he’d ever laid eyes on.

A rush of goodness came over Louis when he ran over to help the human boy up and when Louis looked into those emerald eyes– he thought he died and went back to hell again, because wow, those eyes were mesmerizing.

“T-Thanks.” The curly haired boy stuttered out, Louis firm grip still on his soft, yet muscular arm.

“No problem babe.” Louis replied, noticing a small blush creep it’s way onto the boy’s cheeks.

As he smiled at Louis and shuffled away, Louis noticed a small drawing left behind on the floor. He picked it up and took a closer look at the drawing only to see a stunning, well-sketched pair of black wings, close to a demon’s pair. Louis was speechless just at the drawing.

He was immediately more infatuated with the curly haired human.

After the bell signaling homeroom rang, Louis grabbed his backpack and headed to meet Liam. Liam was waiting just outside the classroom door looking for Louis, so the demonic side of Louis came up with the idea to scare Liam by running up behind him with his inhuman speed. The impact of Louis hitting the other boy caused an unholy “SHIT” to erupt from the archangel’s mouth.

“You right idiot! You know well enough that you aren’t supposed to use your powers around humans! You could out us in front of all these people!” Liam whisper yelled at Louis.

“Sorry mum.” Louis commented. As he pushed past Liam into the classroom, an unattractive growl of annoyance left his mouth. Louis sat down at the back corner of the classroom, closely followed by Liam. He was ready to get his morning over with so he could search the beautiful boy he had taken a liking to earlier. His plans were slowed down when the door to their classroom opened and in walked someone that rapidly caught Louis’ attention...

A/N Soz. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to make long chapters -.-

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