From a Crack to a Cave

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I was walking along the pipe lines using the torch that Fi gave me when I heard a strange noise it was like hammering and smashing. As I made my way closer to the door way I heard voices, but not just a few, I heard hundreds of voices. That wasn't right. Then I heard the crumbling of concrete and I knew what was happening automatically. I ran back to the inside crack of the wall as fast as I could, the torch was flashing everywhere shining on the unsettled dust that I was kicking up. A pushed through the crack and ran as fast as I could back to Fi's house, if there were outsiders breaking through the walls the people of Gaia would be done for. But how did they find the doorway... the tin. I didn't cover the crack back over with the tin. So Gaia was about to be a blood bath and it was my fault. I ran up to Fi's front door and swung it open, I didn't bother knocking or calling out this time. I ran down the hall way and burst into Fi's room. To see Fi and Tyson making out on her bed. EW. She got up pretty quick too.
"Lui? What on earth..."
She saw the look on my face and new that there was something wrong. My god was she right.
"Someone's found the doorway and their making it a lot bigger, there's hundreds of them, more than I thought were still alive and there making their way through the wall as we speak." I slumped onto her bed catching my breath. "You guys need to get out of here, they are going to want to make Gaia a blood bath, and I don't blame them but I don't want you to get hurt Fi, and you too Tyson."
"Were is my phone I'll just call the cops."
"Tyson you idiot, that won't work there is too many of them and unless you want your head like, bashed in or something you guys need to get out of here, NOW!"
"But where do we go Lui, Gaia is like a maze of dead ends." Fi asked, I wondered if she even knew how to hold a knife properly.
"We need some sort of protection, do you have any shot guns or riffles?"
"No. we don't need weapons, Gaia is a peaceful city."
'More like a useless city filled with usless people,' I mumble under my breath. "Let's go to your kitchen, surely you'll have something useful there."
We all rushed down the corridor and Fi led the way to the kitchen there I started looking at knives, both Fi and Tyson looked horrified, by the rate we're going I'll be like there body guard. And I know that probably won't go down too well. I know Fi won't leave my side but I just hoped Tyson won't do a runner, coz I don't really see him as much of a killer, unless it's on video games. As I pass the sink I catch a gimps of myself in the reflective stainless steel counter top. My blue eyes shone like my mothers, my lips were thin and tight and my cheekbones stuck out lining my face in a rectangular shape. And that is why I do not look in a mirror.
I hand them both a kitchen knife and they took it with disbelief. Fi was holding it numbly in her hand like she didn't know what to do with it, she actually probably didn't... I heard a hum of cheer, and as I looked out the kitchen window I got the fright of my life. A silhouette of men and women were charging forward from the wall, bloodthirsty and seeking revenge. When they got to the first set of houses a few broke off and stormed through houses I heard several screams that were soon drowned out. I pushed the two out of the back door into Fi's garden I jumped the fence and searched for a spot to hide. When I looked back to discuss a plan with them I was shocked to see them struggling to get over the fence. I just ignored them and hoped that they'd keep up. House lights were coming on every were, people were wondering out onto the street sleepily to be woken up and put to rest very quickly by the blighters. The wails of sirens filled the air and all I could think about was getting Fi and Tyson out of Gaia. They finally made it over the fence and were running to keep up with me, "what's the plan boss," Tyson said to me half mockingly.
"If they come towards you kill them."
They both looked at me horrified.
"Well it's either you or them. Just remember you only live once so make this count."
Suddenly a middle aged man came charging towards us, I could have sworn that he was on drugs, the way he held his body. Fi just screamed, dropped her knife and ran behind Tyson who was as still as a statue. 'Yea great help guys'. I got my toothbrush out and jumped on the man's back, before he realised what had happened I pierced the side of the man's throat as hard as I could with the end of my toothbrush. He fell to the ground and I yanked my tooth brush out of his neck. He was still wriggling around but he wouldn't be for long. A pool of blood was spilling out beside him. I look up at the other two to find Fi screaming, her face as white as a ghost. Bloody hell, we were going to get nowhere like this. I grab Fi's arm and start to run hoping Tyson was following along. We got to the end of the street when a lean women probably in her 40's jumped out at us, I took a blow to the shoulder, so with that I stabbed her in-between her eyes. She fell to the ground as I stepped over her I led Fi who did an awkward sideways shuffle to avoid touching the body. There was about 200m between us and the only way in or out. There was only two people at the crack that looked more like a hole now. "Run!" I shouted. And then I took off still holding on to Fi's wrist. We were 20m from the hole when the two guarding the hole started coming toward us. I looked back at Tyson and signalled for his help. I let go of Fi and charge at the two guards. It was two women one was quite large and the other extremely skinny, it would have been funny if I wasn't finding ways to kill them. I decided to go for the bigger lady because I guessed she would be slower. She only held a steak knife, poor her, I had sympathy for her deep down but this wasn't the time or place to be showing it. I dived at her neck and brought her to the ground then I slit her throat and rolled off her to find the other lady running at me, she didn't hold any weapons but I knew I was done for. 2m away and she suddenly drops to the ground, behind her is Tyson trembling with fear. "Is she... dead?"
Not even going to answer that one. I make my way through the hole and back out the other way, Fi and Tyson soon followed as I led them through the cemetery and all the way back to my place. Before we went into the laundry I lead them to the water tank and we washed off. Mostly I washed off but anyway.

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