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dear: Dokyeom

it's been a while sinece the last time I wrote here. I got very busy and I'm sorry about that. I just watched your live show case everything was amazing you did very well there. I'm happy for you and for everyone they did very well. However, I can't keep my self from the tought that the more the time has passed it made everything become complicated. You keep rising up in your career and me I was still stuck on the same level as before. But nothing changes on how I love you so much, in fact I think it become deeper just like a scar that can't be forgotten.

I can finally accepted this feeling, beacuse every time that i sink my self in a thought that this is just a fan and an idol relationship. I proved that it's not. Anyway my first year in University finally ended. I passed it with flying color hope that it will continue.

-from: Candie

Dear: DokyeomDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora