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Dear: Dokyeom

it's a little difficult to tell the members apart at first, there is to many, and I even think that some member look a like the other. But you are different. Your eyes, that mountain nose, and your lips, your voice, everything about you is so perfect. For sure I'll get insecure if I'm going to stand beside you. You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve better. It's funny, we're not even in that kind of relationship for me to say that.

Is my feeling for you is temporary?. Will I be able to forget this feeling and love somebody else?. If not, then I may not be able to have a family that I been dreaming for. If not, then I may not know how to love truly, and if you will be my last. I really do not know what to do anymore. Because I know, it is impossible for you to love me. You don't even know my existence so, how will you love me?.

-from: Candie

Dear: DokyeomWhere stories live. Discover now