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I wake up on the couch. I look at my phone 10:00 a.m, Damnit! I'm late for work! I hurry and grab a black silky blouse and some jeans I decide I'll just do my makeup in my car. I walk out the door of my apartment, slamming the door then bolting down the hallway to the elevator it shuts leaving me stranded with nothing but the stairs great. My heels clinking down the cement stairs, today was the worst day to wear heels. I walk out of the apartment building again walking right past Doucette Corp. I'm just about to walk to the cafe when I see the guy I met yesterday. He winks at me, I look behind me and then point at my self he nods and then signals me to come over I slowly and carefully walk over to where I'm in front of him. I ask him,
"You know you never told me your name."
"Names only cause trouble with me." He replies winking AGAIN."but you can call me Sterling."
I smile at him saying,
"Nice to meet you Sterling."
"I told you my name, now let's hear yours."
"Victoria, Victoria Sapphire."
"You dropped this when I bumped into you yesterday."
He pulls out one of my black heels I had in my bag yesterday. I look like I've just seen a ghost. I thankfully take the heels and plop it in my bag. He winks then is gone, walking into the Californian work crowd. I don't know why but I can't wipe this smile off my face. I walk into the cafe and as expected my best friend Autumn jumps right in front of me, basically like a jumps care, she immediately interrogates me about Will.
"Oooooo who was that hunk, Toria!"
"Just a friend Autumn, don't get your hopes up anyway remember I'm focusing on college and work."
"Your no fun, Toria!" She jokes." Oh! Guess what! There is a party in 22 Bar tonight at 7! You HAVE to come!"
"Autumn-" I start but she Cuts me off.
"No buts! Some guy bought tickets for us to get in already! You know he looked a lot like that hunk of yours!"
"Autumn." I start to blush.
"Here's your tickets meet me Here at 6 so then I can get both of us done! And look smoking for the guys!" Autumn beams.
A woman in a pan suit walks up to the counter where Jones is standing. Jones is older than us and he owns the cafe, he wouldn't be the Magic Mike type but he could probably get a couple girlfriends. The rest of the day flew by, every now and then Sterling slipping into my mind. I jerk awake, Autumn's hands waving in front of my face,
"Hey why are you tired you were the one late to work, your shifts over go home."
I grab my purse and and a light hoodie Autumn lent me. I walk out the door remembering the heel in my bag from Will. I take it out while I'm standing right outside the cafe door, the black leather of the heel shinning against the the warm summer sun. I luckily don't bump into Sterling because it's 4 and I have just about 2 hours to get home grab a curling or straightening iron and my makeup, and clothes for the party, then somehow drive back to the cafe by 6 and get ready.


I check my phone that's right across from me in the passenger side of my car, 5:45, perfect just about enough time to get to the cafe and a bit early! My makeup and irons are in the back seat of my jeep. I pull up right across the street from the cafe I see Autumn unlocking the doors to the cafe as soon as I'm out of my car. She brought the hair product along with brushes and pins and makeup tools. I walk into the staff women's bathroom at the back of the cafe along with Autumn. She starts to curl my thick blonde hair taking my brownish highlights with it, she finishes my hair the curls perfect. Then she starts on her hair, straightening every bit she has. I start on my makeup, i had brought with me a teal carrie style dress along with a pair of teal pumps. I take my primer and spread it throughout my face, then using a zit zapper by Elf to cover up all my zits and blemishes. I pencil my eyebrows in a little, then start with my eyeshadow. I use the white silvery one, first and put it right above my lashes then take the lightest teal I have and curve it around the silvery white, lastly I take my darker teal and cover up the rest of my eye. I take my eye liner and do a small cat eye, and then finish my makeup off with mascara. I slip on my pumps and my dress instantly feeling more ready for a party. Autumn did her signature fall leafy dress with amber orange and red brown eyeshadow. We decide to take my car since it's nicer than hers and we are behind schedule, she checks her phone, 6:54, I zoom through a green light just to end up stopping because of traffic, we sit there blaring the 97.5 music station, we sing along to Once I was Seven years old, by Lucas Graham.
Autumn laughs at my singing,
"Toria I'm sure my grandma could sing better than you!" She brags.
"Grandma Janet or grandma Vikki?" I say sarcastically.
We finally get through the traffic, we pull up to 22 Bar the neon green,yellow,orange,pink, and red light flashing in big letters, "22 Bar, Open 6pm- 12 am." I park us in the closest parking spot next to the doors, we walk in.

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