Start from the beginning

just then the door knocked and harry looked in and looked rlly shocked"erm um ah caitie ur um ah parents r ah outside the door" he said I was shocked too I havent spoken to them since the out burst and tht was months ago.i couldent deal with them while he let them in I bolted to the attic and crawled out the window to the roof I dident wanna talk to them or here what they have to say. they hate me even if they came to apoligize they hate me and the choices I made I felt some tears slip"i figured ud flee here" a voice said behind me I lnew it was harry because he came over and sat beside me and pulled me into him."caitie I no what your parents did was bad but I talked to them and theyve felt so gulity about the things they said to u they wanna apoligize to u. they love u lots they were just upset and I mean families fight its natural I no how badly they hurt u and I no how upset u r with them but you still love them and I no tht hearing what they have to say will be tough. but caitie your strong and u can take it ill sit down beside u and listion look they want thier daughter back they want u in thier lives when people make mistakes the bigger person is always the one who listions and then forgives." harry said and it made me feel better"haz how is it tht I can not say a word but u always know the write stufd to say to me to make me feel better" I asked him"because caitie u may not believe this but I no u better than u no urself and I no how u think" he replied. I had gotten tears on his shirt I kissed him for a couple minutes then we left to face my parents.

once we finaly made it to the living room I was okay and harry was holding my hand which helped a lot my parents were on the couch"oh good u fpund her and brought her down" my mum said. harry and I sat in the arm chair"caitie honey we both just feel terrible about the things we said lisrion u r still our daughter and we dont hate u for the choices u made. exspecially with marriage I mean even we argeed tht harry just loves u more than anybody else and we know tht u had to follow ur heart and stay in england with harry I guess we just miss u because ur all the way in england so its hard to see u. but caitie we still love u and were just so sorry we just gor ralled up at the fact darcy was in the hospital and we cNt wait to meet her but mostly were because we r so sorry caitie." my dad said and I felt bad I mean I miss em too I took a deep breathe and said" I forgi e u guys and I still love u too and I miss u guys too" I hugged my parents then went back to harry who snuggled me.


I woke up today knowing we had a meeting about our up and coming tour for where we r are it starts in may so well probably start rehersals soon I feel so alone sometimes I just im still the only single one I rlly hope to find someone soon. I went to haz and caities and aparently lou zayn and liam were all thier danielles getting big u cant defiantly tell shes pregnant now darcys hair is so curly shes a spitting image of harry which dosent suprise me."niall mate ur here we can leave now" zayn said and decided to go in zayns volvo since lous car had car seats same with liam and harrys we drove to modest and all sat down in the chaires."boys nice to see u" simon said"good to see you too uncle si" louis said"okay boys lets get down to business you will start tour rehersals in a week and im pleased to say tht you guys can bring ur girls exspecially harry louis and liam zayn im sorry mate but little mix will be going on tour shortly as u may no theyll start in japan butt ill be sure u guys can visit. now the tour starts in may in the wembly stadium and u all have agreed to your contracts tht last til 2016 now u boys will be preatty booked for the next 3 weeks ull be in america promoting your tour. and sorry boys but no girls sadly but I trust tht u will survive and harry no exsecptions ill be watching u closly so dont even think about sneaking darcy and caitie are we clear boys" simon said and we all noded.

I feel bad for the other lads but at the same time I envy them because when we get to harrys theyll walk in hug and kiss thier wives and children ill sit down and play some fifa with the guys but soon one of them will have to go so itll just be four of us. then another one will have to leave and another pretty soon itlll just be me and haz til it gets late and I have to go home alone to my huge flat where theres no girlfriend or fiance or wive or child waiting for me there. we all went back to harry and caities darcy was naping we all walked in harry grabbed caitie and started snogging her louis hugged kissed eleanor lily and makala who had crutches zayn also went and kissed perrie liam the same ro danielle while I headed to the kitchen. I was in the fridge and when I looked up I saw eleanor running in whilst sqweeling she had lous phone and was taking selfies louis came running in and threw his arms behind eleanor they looked so cute. I went into the living room I cpuldent handle it I sat down on the floor and sighed zayn and perrie came over and sar bye me"okay nialler u dont look so good whats wrong" perrie said."I just I see all u guys with ur wives and kids and stuff and I just I get so lonely and wonder if ill ever find somebody or if ill just be forever alone" I tol them."niall dont give up okay your princess is coming for u so what if we found ours sooner ur gonna get a rlly special girl so niall dont beat urself up about it " zayn said and I sighed and looked to see harry coming down the staires with darcy.

darcys so cute she can hold toys and sit up and everything all bye herself I still rememner the day she was born and the look on harryd face when he held his daughter for the first time it was just priceless. it was then when I realized tht I wanted what he had I always have ever since he met caitie ive always been jelus of him and thier reletionship I hope tht I can love my future bride as much as harry loves caitie but thts not possible. he loves caitie more than anything and can never shut up about her and darcy and brings caitie everywhere with him shes in some of are interviews shes just as bad as harry is ive never seen a couple more in love than they r.i can just imagine holding my lil craic and my wonderful daughter and how ever and whatever many kids I get id be so happy with just one I rlly want kids just not right now maybe later like in a few years im not like harry louis and liam who r just born ready to be parents. of course louis no adult him and el r still 2 six year olds themselves thts why they make such good parents harrys a wonderful dad because hes so sensitive and just loves darcy almost as mich as he loves caitie its crazy like my crazy mofos. oh gosh I love my fans so much there all my girlfriends and wives I owe everything to them our song back for u one of my favs harry louis liam and zaynnall wrote there parts for thier then gfs now wives its a cute song zaynnalways gets the most emotional cause hes apart from perrie for long periods of time which in some ways is nice I mean they rlly cherish thier time like in a week lillte mix will be promoting thier new album which comes out soon. just like last time I bet zayns gonna make us all go out and buy copies for us and all our family , e, bers he has DNA on reply all the time and is always singing thier songs even when little mix themselves were on the x factor.

well I hope u loved this chapter dont forget to vote fan comment or just read it rlly means a lot also follow me on twitter @LMand1Dsavedme or on instagram at harrys princess 32334. add me on facebook at caitlin bush and im also on keek at caitie gleek okay I think thts all for now but I love u all and thank u within my deepest sympathy it rlly means a lot tht u people r reading my fan fic I also may start a niall one soon whatd yah think anout tht well im off to bed but just bear with me sorry bout this chapter it was kind of a filler but thiere will be drama coming up soon so look out for tht as well

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