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Why are parents so clue less? Why don't they listen when we try to tell them what they want to know?

"You know you can come to us for whatever you need right?" That's a lie.

"We can help you." Then why don't you?

"We are doing this for your own good." No your not. Your a selfish person who doesn't care that your child might be suicidal. Or depressed. Or anorexic. Or just flat out unexcepted. All parents alway do stuff for THEM. Its never for US.

If they cared, then instead of waiting for us to come crying to you, then just ask us every once in a while : are you okay?

Sure, we might lie the first couple of times. But if we do, that doesn't necessarily mean we don't trust you. It means that we still think we can handle it ourselves. Unless, Your just a dumb, strict parent that needs to learn how to give your child some freedom. Not a lot, maybe just enough to let your kid go somewhere with a group of friends.

To all the kids or teens or adults with crappy parents that never treated them right: I'm sorry. I'm not sorry for your parents, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry that you didn't get to experience the love that your parents or parent should have shown you.

Stupid emotions, I started crying while I am trying to make this.

Anyway, yeah. If you are reading this still, thank you for reading. That's really all I wanted to get off my chest. So bye.

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