Stresed the fuck out

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A week left of school. Brynna, has a dissablty in learning. The disability effects Reading, English and math. Math is the worset for her. She has low grades. Her history teacher likes to put pressure on his students. He wants them to do there best. But instead, they do worse and get mad at him. Brynna is in beginning band. She would be in concert, but in 6th grade. She had to take a 2nd math class. So, she's in beginning band. If she fails a class, she'll have to retake that class instead of going in to concert band... She's stressed all the way out. She needs help. If she doesn't get her grades up. She mite have to retake classes... Plus the finals. Sence her dissablty hurts her in school, she failed all of her finals... Her gram. Aka her grandma, says to ask god to help, but she doesn't think ill help... Besides being stressed the fuck out, she found out Angels birthday is in June! So far, no gender problems for Brynna!!!

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