Chapter 3

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After having walked home with my clothes drenched wet, and shaking from the cold. I ended up being yelled by my mother for not calling her to come pick me up.

She gave me a lecture about responsibility and trust.

Her face was red and her eyes were wild, both of her hands were formed into a fist and she kept walking back and ford in front of me.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes, but I couldn't let her see me cry, looking down to my feet and nodding my head, taking everything she had to say to me.

"I am sorry mum, I promise it won't happen again" and it really was not going to happen ever again, since I wasn't planning on going to any party, ever.

I felt miserable, my mother had never been this mad at me. It just made me feel like I was letting her down, and it was an awful feeling.

"Sorry" I whispered, again. Walking upstairs to my room and taking a shower and letting the warm water wash the pool remainders.

After finishing up I put on my pajama bottoms and a long sleeve t-shirt.

I went to my bed and got under the covers, feeling the warm soothe into me , and fell into a deep sleep. This has been a long day.

I felt myself wake up with a bright light coming from my curtains. Turning to my side to see the clock on top of the bedside table flash 6:00 in the morning that I could barely distinguish without my glasses.

The weekend had been long and uneventful, I did received a messaged from Eleanor asking 'why d'you leave without saying anything?' the next morning, which I ignored. I actually felt kinda bad from not answering but I had an excuse, I was grounded.

Not really, but she didn't know that.

Getting to school and trying to avoid running into Eleanor was kinda tricky, since she was usually the one to find me, but it seem that she was nowhere in the campus, or at least nowhere she usually is, which I am thankful for.

But on my way of avoiding Eleanor, I found myself being pushed face first against a locker door, feeling my glasses slip from my nose as I tried to regain my posture but just being shove against the locker again.

"Hey faggot, long time no see! teased one of the jocks that have been bullying for a long time.

"Heard you went to a party last week, but you wouldn't get into the pool without your clothes on, huh, freak. That's so fucking pathetic, don't you get it, no one likes how you dress, no one likes you" he said laughing along with his friends.

"Do you get it? Do you get that no one fucking likes you?" he asked shoving me again and making me fall on the floor.

"Answer me" Zayn yelled, kicking me on the ribs.

"Y-yes" I whimpered, feeling some tears fall from my eyes.

"Yes, what?" he asked, kicking me again on my stomach, leaving me without air.

"Y-es n-no one li-kes me" I sobbed. Feeling more tears fall from my eyes while curling into fetal position trying to avoid more kicks.

"Fucking faggot" Zayn hissed, kicking me one more time before walking away with his friends, that I could hear were still laughing.

I stay on the floor a few more minutes, trying to stop the tears from falling from my eyes and regain my breath. I let out a whimper while standing up from the floor and picking up the books and my glasses that fell when I was first pushed against the locker.

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