CHAPTER 1 : The Woods

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Long time ago, there was a little kid. The little kid was very adventureous.
One day the little kid heard about the Alphite ore. This ore had the magical power alowing their owner to have the power to wield Ice,
Lightning, and Fire.



Legend say those who look for the ore never return. And for our little
Adventureous hero, he decides to prove the legend wrong.
---------------------CHAPTER 1---------------------
As its mentioned before, our little hero was not so little anymore.
He is at the age of 15. BUT WHO CARES THIS IS OUT OF CONTENT!!!
As he enterd the forrest, he didnt progressed so much. He thought
He would turn back, but he couldnt. As he turned back, there was
A huge wood wall made by grown trees. The trees were so high to
climb. He needed to explore to the end of the Woods.

As he walked through the forrest, he saw different monsters.
The wheather there was great. It was a peacefull place. While
walking, he saw an old magic wand.


But saddly, he needed to have a magic ring to use that.

It was a water wand. It had the ability to shape water in to small
pieces of bullets. That would make a good weapon.

Our hero starts to look for a magic ring. Wait, what was his name


                               NAME THE LOST CHILD


                                    Is this name correct?


                              *No                          >*Yes

Oh, now I remember. It was John!

As Its mentioned before John was loo- WOAH!!!!!

                          -BATTLE START-

-You encountered a Plantling!
-You smack the water wand in to Plantling's face with a blinding Speed!
-Plantling took 10 damage!
-Plantling made a pun. John has been disgusted.
-John's attack fell by 5!
-John decides to prepare being attacked!
-John's defense rose by 10!
-Plantling made a sprout drain attack!
-John took 5 damage! Plantling regenerated 5 HP!
-John decides to make a slicing attack with his wand!
-Plantling took 15 damage!
-Plantling has been sliced in half...
-YOU WON! You gained 15Exp and 20G
                           -BATTLE END-

Woah. That was unexpected. John finds an item thats in the half-sliced Plantling. It looks like something blue...


Its a water orb! Thats it! Maybe if you find a crafting station,
You may be able to craft a WATER MAGIC RING.
As John finds interesting and new items, he was about to meet a friend. She looked like a portal wizard. She must have liked magic too.

While walking, John sees a house made with crystals.
There is a BOSS MONSTER coming out of the door!
Phew. You manage to hide from the BOSS MONSTER.
But when you look left you see a another room. Full
of Plantlings! You decide to wait until the Plantlings go away.

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