Chapter 1

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Reader's P.O.V:

I stared out onto the zombie covered ruins once known as a city from the top of a crumpling multi-story parking garage, my guns ready and loaded if any decided to come my way.It had been almost a month since the "incident" but it still felt as though it had happened yesterday.My dog came up to me and sat next to me as I leant against my vehicle and began to remember the story.

2nd person P.O.V: 

"Oh my gosh" one of your friends yawned out as they stretched.You had all been spending your day driving and fighting off the many hoards of zombies you had encountered as well as looting what was left of some of the corpses and shops and now it was around dawn everyone was tired."It's okay" you said patting your friend on the back "I'll take over your spot on watch while you take a little nap before your turn".

"No how about you guys all go to sleep and I'll keep watch all night!" a random team member asked,shaking her blond,wavy hair from side to side.You never really learnt her name because to be perfectly honest you didn't like her.She was that stereotypical blond that always ended up getting herself into trouble.You assumed before the apocalypse she was the head of the cheer-leading squad,dating the quarter-back and the most popular girl in her school alike to a teenage barbie doll.And you were absolutely right,she was extremely stupid.From spray-painting her car pink to every so often whining about how she wished her boyfriend was there to protect her heck!The only reason she was even with your group was because your friends wanted to save as many people as possible.You all took a vote on whether she was allowed or not.All your friends voted for her leaving you out voted and making you promise you wouldn't stay up with her.Worst.Mistake.Of their.Lives.

After you grudgingly got back in your vehicle to be back with your dog,you moved your charcoal black four by four land rover so it was further away from the rest of the groups vehicles and stayed up on guard all night with her.

Eventually a hoard had found the camp and decided to attack.You would admit she tried to fend them off but ended up messing up and that costed her everything.She was a terrible shot and ended up shooting the furthest vehicle's engine five times before it burst into flames eventually causing a chain reaction blowing up all your friend's cars and their contents,including them who were sleeping inside.Seeing all your friends die right in front of you,you took down the entire zombie hoard out on your own.

When you had finished all of the zombies off.You got out of your vehicle,your combat knife gripped tightly in your hand,and walked quickly towards the girl who you had seen just out right kill your friends in front of you.In a swift swipe of your free hand you had the girl by her neck pinned against her the side of her hot pink car.She squirmed trying to escape from your iron grip and when that failed tried to plead with you and bribe you so you would spare her life she said things like "please don't kill me" or "if you let me go I'll give all my supplies!" and etcetera but you didn't listen to her,so caught up on getting revenge, you stabbed her right through the stomach and backed away letting her now lifeless corpse fall to the floor as you looked at the huge splatter of blood on her car window and then looked down at your hands and knife realizing they were also covered in blood.Just before you left for your vehicle you took a wet piece of old cloth from the girl's car and wiped your hands and knife down and stuffed her mouth with the piece of cloth.

VenturianTale and Reader in the Apocalypse (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now