Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Caleb didn't give her even a second to contemplate the kiss. Instead, as soon as he lifted his head, his words chilled the tiny flame of flickering desire.

"You need to know something else. Nodinens doesn't believe Jane's coming back."

She gasped and shoved against him. "What were you trying to do? Kissing me as a prelude to telling me something like that? That...that was cruel, McCoy!"

"I didn't mean it that way," he whispered before another voice broke in.

"He's telling you the truth, Kymbria."

Keoman stood behind Caleb, stone face in place. For an instant, though, Kymbria thought she'd caught a hint of darkness in the Midé's eyes. Jealousy? Or something else? She and Keoman had never had that sort of relationship, only friendship. Yet...whenever she'd returned to the Northwood, he had made it a point to spend time with her.

"Did you find anything in the house?" Caleb asked.

"Nothing. At least, nothing that will help us. She and her husband do not practice the Old Ways much, except they do proclaim their clan."

Kymbria inwardly shuddered. Keoman, too, was already adhering to the custom of not speaking the name of the dead.

"Is anyone out looking for the monster's lair?" she asked.

"Many," he said. "But we won't have any luck, as before. It doesn't leave tracks. How can we follow it?"

"I don't know, damn it. Can't we...perform a ceremony or something? Ask our spirits to tell us where it's hiding?"

She knew better, of course. One didn't make demands of the spirits, only requests. Keoman's expression confirmed his evaluation of how ludicrous her idea was.

"Then what about at least identifying everyone from the Marten Clan and making sure they're on alert. Not wandering off somewhere it's easy for them to be taken."

"Kymbria," Caleb said, "it took Jane right in front of her family. It doesn't seem a bit reluctant to reveal itself this season." He continued to Keoman, "Always before, from what I understand, it took pains not to let anyone see it. Took as its prey people whose absence wouldn't be discovered right away."

"Something has changed this time," Keoman agreed.

Kymbria couldn't stop her mind. God, please don't let my being here be what's changed.

"Besides the fact that it's hunting a month early," Keoman finished.

A thought flickered across Caleb's face, but before Kymbria could ask him about it, Keoman went on, "There's a meeting of the Elders and our tribal government in an hour, so you and I can't meet as planned, McCoy. You're welcome to join us. I've confirmed that with Gagewin. Hjak will be there, too."

"I'll be there," Caleb responded. "Where?"

"Our tribal headquarters building, behind the casino. Instead of stopping in the parking lot, keep going a half-mile or so."

"I need to get back to Amber's," Kymbria reminded him. And on the drive back, she intended to get to the bottom of that kiss.


Kymbria climbed off the back of Nodinens' snowmobile in front of Amber's house and pulled off the ski mask the elderly woman had loaned her for the ride. "Thanks for the lift. I guess."

"I understand," Nodinens said with a chuckle. "But when Gagewin speaks, it's a demand. Especially in times like this. He decided to have them adjourn to the headquarters now, not an hour from now, and if Mr. McCoy wanted to be with them, he had no choice. Us women are dismissed to do women's work."

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