Chapter 12 - [Party]

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– Arius –

As the Pharaoh had promised, he left that evening, right before the sunset. Usually, people didn't travel at night, but the Pharaoh seemed so eager to leave that he didn't care. And since it was so late in the evening, not many people came to see him off.

Even Aunty Aya stayed in her room with her little baby who she named Itet, claiming that she was still in pain. I didn't think she was lying... but I also think that she wasn't telling the whole truth. I'm pretty sure she was mad at the Pharaoh.

Of course, I didn't blame her.

And once the Pharaoh had departed, I was given the crown of Egypt. I was also given the crook and the flail, both the symbols of Pharaonic rule.

Now I was the Pharaoh of Egypt... Even if it was temporary, I had gotten what I was meant to have.

And it was my chance to prove that this title was mine.

– Chione –

We were awoken quite early the next day. Aziza stormed through the Servants Quarters, shouting for us all to wake up and get out to the front of the building.

I was still half asleep as I lined up next to Saia, who was holding on to me, trying not to fall asleep.

"Alright, girls," she said, loudly. A fairly noble classed looking man by her side. "Pay close attention, I am going to pick some of you to serve at the celebration tonight to honor the Prince's temporary rise to the throne as Pharaoh. If I select you, go stand with Namare and her group."

I looked over at Namare, who was standing not too far behind Aziza with her hands crossed over her chest. There were a bunch of other thin girls standing near her.

"Then you will all head off with Lord Shadi to be assigned your roles," she said.

The man named Lord Shadi smiled a small smile.

Aziza went one by one to each maid, looking a their faces and examining their bodies before making a decision. Here and there, Lord Shadi would speak, adding his own opinion in. He seemed like an odd man... a little awkward. He wore rich looking clothing and was bald, but the weird part was that he had this odd hat on. I couldn't describe it aside from the fact that it stuck out in all directions as a big circle around his head, preventing Ra's rays from touching his face. It must have been from another countries.

A couple maids had already been pulled aside by the time Aziza got through the first half of the group of maids. The lucky maids who didn't get selected were able to go back to sleep for a bit before their work for the day started.

When Aziza got to Saia, she took her face in her hand, looked at one side, then the other. "You're old, but you look young. So go with Namare."

I could tell that Saia wanted to sigh, but didn't.

When Aziza reached me, she didn't bother to touch my face. "Too old," she said before walking off.

"Hold on," Lord Shadi said quickly. "I think we should take her."

"What?" Aziza asked. "No, my Lord. She is exceptionally old."

Exceptionally old? I thought. I'm not even half your age.

"But look at the girls eyes!" He said, grabbing my face in his hands. "They're green!"

"So what?"

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