I Will Follow You

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Steve runs to the burning bunker as fast as he could. He was so close to catching up to Bucky on his vengeance spree. Across different countries he has left Hydra bases in flames and the dead bodies of Hydra followers burning among the rubble. Steve always showed up long after his long lost friend was gone. Steve didn't know how much Bucky remembered, but he knew it must be enough to make him go on an all out killing spree. Bucky always killed the doctors whether it was a man or woman and always with a single bullet in the forehead. He never killed the children and he set any test subjects and/or captives free with the money he found at the base. He destroyed cryo containers and any computer tech.

Steve arrived at the already smoking base with disappointment stirring in the pit of his stomach. With no one in sight he kicked a near by piece of scrapmetal and screamed at the sky in frustration. He was to slow again.He missed him again! Steve fell to his knees in despair. He was so tired of chasing a ghost. He wanted his best friend back and he was beginning to lose hope of ever reuniting with Bucky.
    His enhanced hearing picked up on the smallest of sounds of movement. Looking up he sees someone emerge from the smoking building. They were limping and holding their side.As soon as he saw a glistening arm he knew who it was.


The man in question looked up from the ground and just stared. He was still holding his side.His entire right hand was red with blood and the wound was still bleeding. Steve was still on his knees ten feet from his best friend. He didn't want to move in fear of causing Bucky to attack him or worse... run. Bucky started to walk toward him again. When he got two feet away he fell to his knees in front of Steve and just continued to stare.
"Buck." Steve sighed. "Do you remember me?"
"Your moms name was Sarah. You used to wear newspaper in your shoes." Bucky's voice was rough from misuse but it was a relief to hear it. Steve was on the verge of tears. He hasn't cried since he lost Bucky on that godforsaken train. Steve looked down at his dirty hands and clenched his fists in order to stop himself from touching Bucky. He didn't know if his touch would be welcome or viewed as a threat. He could feel the tears run down his face now. He was so relieved to have Bucky in front of him. His Bucky. Steve felt the cold brush of a metal hand on his cheek wiping away the traces of tears. Looking up with blurry vision he saw a look of pain on his oldest friends face.

"Stevie." At the sound of his old nickname he let out a choked cry and lunged himself at Bucky no longer caring if he was pushed away. Bucky tensed at the sudden contact but soon relaxed and wrapped his metal arm around Steve's waist pulling him closer. Steve buried his face in Bucky's bloody, dirty hair and continued to let out ugly relieved cries. Neither of them said a word. The warm,tight embrace said all they needed to know.

'I thought you were gone.'
'I missed you so much.'
'Don't leave me here alone again.'

When Steve's cries died down and his breathing was calmed down enough so he could talk normally he withdrew his arms from around Bucky's neck and faced his friend. For the first time Steve actually got a good look at his ragged appearance. His hair is three inches passed his shoulders, a beard and he looked like he hadn't had a proper shower in months. He was covered in his own blood as well as other peoples. His wound has stopped bleeding but it still needed medical attention;But all in all he was defiantly Bucky and he was alive. Steve couldn't have asked for more

"I thought you were dead." Steve pulled the phrase from a long forgotten memory.
"I thought you were smaller."Came the immediate reply but it was a bit unsure.
"I missed you so much Buck." Steve looked into Bucky's storm gray eyes. "I was so lost without you."
"Is that why you took a nose dive into the Arctic and froze yourself for 66 years?" Bucky asked with a little anger. Steve looked away in shame. "'Cause that was dumb as shit. There were other options Steve but you chose suicide."
"You were gone Bucky!" Steve met Bucky's eyes once more. "I am nothing without you. Where you go, I go. Remember? 'Til the end of the line and at the time the line had ended. I thought you were dead and I couldn't.." Steve's voice cracked with emotion. "I couldn't keep you waiting any longer. What was I supposed to do with a life without you in it?"
"You coulda married that Peggy dame! Had a family! Became an old man in a rocking chair! You coulda lived on a farm like we talked about when we were kids." Bucky stressed.

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