"Of course i missed you."

"You just missed someone else more?" She not so secretly point towards my boyfriend. I looked over and smiled. As much as i'm happy to be home there's a very specific box weighing me down inside my purse. I put my serious face on.

"Anna?" She looked at me and then she was suddenly calm. "Remember i told you that as soon as we came back i needed to talk to you?"

"Yeah? Is it really that serious?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her away so no one on the field could see us.

"Giant." I reached into my bag and pulled out the box with the big clearblue on it.

"What the fuck?" She grabbed the box from me and looked closer at it like it was going to turn into something else. "You can't be pregnant. It's been a month since you even had a chance to touch each other unless..." She paused glaring at me. "You didn't cheat did you?"

"No. I could never do that to Luke. I love him too much."

"Then how could you possibly be pregnant?"

"That's the thing. I've been gone a whole month and not once have I gotten my period."

"Wow and you need this to tell you that your pregnant?" I swiped the box away from her before putting it back in my bag.

"Luke will want proof when I tell him and I also think I need proof myself."

"How are you just going to walk up to him and act like your not carrying his bastard?"

"Like this." I walked out of our protection behind the wall and started walking towards the sidelines to watch my boyfriend. I plastered a smile on my face to hide how I've been feeling ever since I started to get sick a week ago at camp. That on top of text saying that there was some picture that was posted on Instagram and Facebook that suggested that Luke did something that he was t suppose to. I never got specifics or any texts directly from Anna or the guys. When I asked Luke what that meant, he just told me that I shouldn't be worried. It was a photoshop prank. The whistle noise came from the coach and the boys were released from practice. Luke removed his helmet looking down at the ground as he walked over to the sideline. "Hey quarterback. You miss me?" Luke looked up at me and smiled. He ran over to me letting his helmet fall to the ground as he reached up to grab my face and kiss me. "You're sweaty."

"I don't care." He said leaning back in.

"I do. It's making me feel sick." Luke backed away looking confused.

"What's wrong with you? For the past week you've been telling me that a bunch of things make you feel sick. Did you go to a doctor while you were up there?"

"No. I never got a chance to." I also don't really need to go to a doctor to find out what's wrong.

"Well you should before it gets worse. I don't want my girl to be sick until we're thirty and pregnant."

"Really? Thirty?" By then our baby will be thirteen maybe twelve.

"That's a little late." Luke looked around before looking back at me. "The boys jumped the gun a bit. Probably already showering."

"You should go. The cleaner you are the more I can stomach kissing you." Luke grinned picking up his bag and running towards the locker room.

"Really? His sweat makes you feel sick?" Anna asked coming back up behind me.

"He almost caught on."

"Yeah but guys are idiots."


"So why do we have to do this at my house?" Anna asked laying on her bed hanging upside down.

"Because your parents don't check on you every five seconds. It's a miracle I even lost my virginity in my room instead of Luke's car." I responded through the door.

"Ha then you'd have a car baby."

"We've been having sex for a year."

"Just pee on it already."

"I did already. It's just loading." I heard a crash and then shuffling over to the door.

"Cap it up and let me in." The cap was already on the test so I just opened the door. "Do you want me to look?"

"Yes please." Anna moved me aside and looked down at the blue tests.

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

"Pregnant 3+ weeks."  I almost felt relieved. Pregnant at 17 is a shitshow but at least there isn't anything badly wrong with me. "I want to tell you that I will take the position of godmother but your sister is taking the brat if you both die because she might kill you both with her own hands." Then it hit me. My sister, Angela, has just been told that it's impossible for her to have a child with her husband of five years. Now that I'm pregnant I know that she will never forgive me for being a fertile teenager.

"I'm about to ruin so many lives." I said  standing up and looking down at the test.

Double Daddy (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now