"Geno?" I called out. He turned and looked at me.

"Aw shit! What's up T!" He said. He hurried down his driveway and gave me a hug.

"How have you been? It's been awhile!" I said.

"I've been cool. Just going through it. How you been though? Congrats on the baby. How many kids is this for you now?" He asked.

"Thanks. And I've been great. Just moved back recently. And this is baby number two." I said.

"That's cool. You still with that nigga Antwan?" He asked.

"Yes. We're actually married." I said, showing off my wedding ring.

"That's what's up." He said.

"How's Cami and those two adorable kids?" I asked.

"She straight, and two? I got five kids now." I said.

"Oh really? I was meaning to talk to you about that. I ran into Marisol the other day and saw her daughter. I mean...Ya'll daughter." I said. He nodded his head.

"Oh yeah? She never mentioned it." He said. I shrugged.

"So...are ya'll together? Or...was this an accident?" I asked.

"It was an accident. Cam and I got into it and I stepped out on her again. Next thing I knew, Marisol was on my doorstep telling me she was pregnant. When Cam find out, she went crazy and left my worthless ass. Then Marisol calls and tells me she's getting an abortion and I said cool. Then BAM! Cam is pregnant again. With twins this time! So here I am trying to get this shit together, and nine months later, Marisol calls me and tells me to come to the hospital." He said.

"Wow. Sounds like you've been really going through it." I said.

"Shit...you have no idea. I didn't tell Cam about the baby either. She found out when she read the DNA test that came in the mail." He said.

"Oh my god. That's horrible." I said. I didn't know what else to say.

"Well it was nice seeing you again. I missed you and Blaze." I said.

"We missed your ass too. Be careful out here." He said.

"I will. Same to you." I said. I gave him a hug and we parted ways. As I walked off, I shook my head. Normally I'd be on his side, but I can only imagine how Cam is feeling right now. Though we don't like each other, I'll be praying for her and her kids.

 Though we don't like each other, I'll be praying for her and her kids

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[Millie's P.O.V]

"Why would you tell me to go get my hair done when you're messing it right back up?" I asked Jayson. He had a handful of my hair in his hands as he kissed me long and hard.

"Because I couldn't resist your sexy ass." He said. I rolled my eyes and I hopped off his lap.

"So where were you this morning?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I wanted to take you to breakfast, but you weren't answering your phone." He said.

"Oh. I went to go talk to Geno." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"I wanted us to come to a legit understanding on when we'd have the kids." I said.

"And how'd that go?" He asked.

"It was pretty good. A little rough at first, but good nonetheless." I said.

"Did he make any passes at you?" He asked. I said nothing as I started writing up a grocery list.

"He did didn't he?" He asked again, snatching the pen out of my hand.

"Of course he did. Regardless of our situation...we're still married." I said.

"So! I'm your man now and he needs to respect that!" He snapped.

"Calm down. I stopped him before he tried anything else. You should've seen him. He was a mess. Drunk out of his mind and the house was a mess. He was Completely broken." I said.

"And that's his fault. He lost somebody good and now he feels guilty." He said.

"I guess you're right." I said.

"I am right. Now forget about him and come focus on me." He said. He kissed me and lifted me on to the counter.

"Not now babe. Not now." I said. He sucked in his teeth and bit my bottom lip gently. I moaned as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Not now babe. Not now." He said, helping me off of the counter. I mouth dropped and he laughed.

"Close your mouth before I put something in it." He said, smirking. I closed my mouth quick and pouted. He laughed and kissed me.

"Come on and let's go to the store before we go pick up the lil ones." He said.

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